Someone actually said that in a game.

Throughout the whole game he was using very broken English and generally being a child about the game. Add that to his trying to act tough in front of his teammate "ILOVESANDRASIM " (obviously a guy) by protecting "her". Changing course back to base (with red HP) to avoid a BS he hasn't even seen yet, risking going back to the Morphling chasing him. Acting cute all the way.
All the game-related events I couldn't care less about, just his person, so I wished him good luck in NS with his attitude, then he asked me what NS was.
Buay tahan.

All this started when I attacked the PotM ("ILOVESANDRASIM " ) while he was pushing in lane. Leaping towards my tower instead of using his ulti, he couldn't escape from my Haste + Overload, so started with the first "MH!" of the game.

One of the funniest games of my 2 1/2 years of DotA.