Yo Wantonman! Lucky you not lost man! Wait you tot we disbanded or wat! Kekeke! So Team F.O.S is in the process of getting our team badge up by our Designer Prataman, Captain Jae and Revy Daryl Quek! Hope it will be done up soon!

So Team F.O.S has really come quite a long way with the days i remembered when i joined bowling with all of the members here. Training with S.I.M ppl, joining the sgForum here, forming league when that time captain Jordan, forming Team Forum United consisting of members from this Forum itself! Wahahah! That was fun.... Still wondering if we should have named ourselves SgForum United instead!
Anyway some of the members were then been bowling at Changi Beach Club with that time captain Prata under if i'm not wrong, DimensionX. So it was great to have experienced bowlers to coach me along as i was a newbie then!

Then from there, we moved on. Members came and left , but with this forum going on, new members have joined in and made bowling more interesting as the number grows. Its really great to see so many bowling franatics here. It is really great joy to bowl with all you guys out there! So Team F.O.S is here to stay and hope everyone here will keep your passsion for bowling going and Let Team F.O.S Rockz Onz!
Cheers members!