On behalf of my company Editude, we are looking for well-articulated Muslim boys aged 7 to 17 to be interviewed in a documentary of Ramadan.
We are seeking to see Ramadan through the eyes of a young boy.
These are the topics for discussion (familiarity with these subjects would be a bonus):
- Dietary and lifestyle adjustments - any special preparations, lifestyle changes
- Family and increased sense of community and solidarity - people around the boy and people the boy meet, whether
- Ramadan increases the sense of solidarity amongst Muslims in the community
- Challenges faced by a young boy at maintaining the discipline and observance of Ramadan, how a family instills the significance of the event to a child
- School and educational culture during Ramadan - e.g. children are encouraged to be sensitive to their Muslim classmates who are fasting
- Festivals and special events in the community
- Social and cultural phenomena (if any)
Should this be of your interest, please email Marilyn at
marilyn@editude.com.sg including a photograph of the boy, a short introduction and background of him, and also a mobile contact number.
For more information about our company, please visit our website. Thank you!