I'm a girl just graduated and am currently at my first job in a small firm.
2 months ago, my 40 year old guy colleague and I was tasked on a job during office hours. While on our way from the company to the mrt, he told me he left something at his house and he asked if I want to follow him to get it, and not knowing what else to say, I agreed, so we walked over to his nearby house. On reaching and entering, I realise his house was empty, but by then he already closed the door. Well...what happens in an empty house with only a guy and girl? I was molested but it didnt reach to rape because I stopped him in time. I don't want to describe the details. He finally let me out, but I was shocked and didnt know what to do.
I told my boss, I reported to the police. That guy is still working here, because the boss lacks manpower and tells me to forgive and forget, and for the police, whenever I call back to the police for updates, they say they are still investigating. Actually after the incident, that guy disappeared to Dubai and he just came back to work last week. I am still traumatized by that incident, and I hate that guy.
My question is, what should I do? I am currently applying for jobs and hoping to get a new job soon but it's still taking forever and I do not know if I should just stop hating him or just quit the job athough I'll be unemployed...I feel depressed seeing him everyday but I am ok if I don't see him.
And I posted here because the guy and I are both Muslims, but isn't what he did in Muslim law wrong too? Why is he still alive? Is there any other place I can get help? I just feel so stupid right now.
Act fast make alot of noise over this incident until justice is done.This is Singapore and not Pakistan so dont let this guy get away or next time others wont be as lucky as you and ends up getting raped.
This is Singapore, that's why I was a bit disappointed...over 2 months and the police is still investigating??
I feel I'm too young to be depressed. My friends say I shouldn't let him make my life so miserable but it's so hard...why can't I have normal work problems instead of facing a guy like him everyday.
Over two months?I think you were ill-advised on how to proceed with such matters.You should quit your job and work elsewhere otherwise this incident could be misconstrued as an ex-lovers at the office thingy by some of your own workmates.
Yea I really do want to quit my job. I just can't bear to live without income that's why I'm waiting till I find another job. Till then I have to endure seeing him everyday. It's just a shock to see him back at the office last week.
I hope the case won't turn out to be misconstructed like what you said. Maybe I really was ill-advised...anyway thanks for your opinion and advise.
write to the newspaper... talk to ur MP... see the police still investigating or not lor
The police have to take you seriously.If you need to tell the story over and over again be brave and dont feel the guilt of being the vicitm.Good Luck and do let us know the good ending to this story.
Tell your parents and report to the police again.
Tell the police to immediately take action, if not, you will report to the higher authorities.
Dont let that molester leave the country.
He might molest other innocent girls too.
He must be put to jail and cane.
Do not suffer in silence.
if he's muslim, can the sharia court be involved?