i would like to invite all of you to learn arabic calligraphy..
because i want to develop the islamic art ..
i want to teach arabic calligraphy .. maybe some one can be my sponsor
so i can get PR here .. because im indonesian
i have been here about a month
n i looked around all of islamin center .. there'r not islamic art course
so would like to develop islamic culture here..let moslem know how to write arabic correctly and beautiful..
thank you
82324317 this is my phone number
Originally posted by Ojancairo:assalamu'alaikum
i would like to invite all of you to learn arabic calligraphy..
because i want to develop the islamic art ..
i want to teach arabic calligraphy .. maybe some one can be my sponsor
so i can get PR here .. because im indonesian
i have been here about a month
n i looked around all of islamin center .. there'r not islamic art course
so would like to develop islamic culture here..let moslem know how to write arabic correctly and beautiful..
thank you
82324317 this is my phone number
madrasah di singapura tidak ada arabic calligraphy?