The One Hundred Most Beautiful Names of God
By Mustapha al-Muhaddith ibn al-Saqaat
edited by Arval Benicoeur and Avelina Keyes
Many Arabic given names and bynames are attributive in nature. A common construction uses `Abdul followed by one of the attributes of Allah. `Abdul seems to derive from the three letter root `Ain-Baa'-Daal, which translates as either "worshipper" or "slave". I am therefore using the translation "devoted", although "servant" is probably just fine. The final consonant of `Abdul, Lam, is the article "the", and the preposition "of" is implicit. Sir Richard Burton, in his translation of The Arabian Nights, translates the name of one Khalifa as `Abd al-Malik "Devoted of the King", while Shaykh al-Haveti translator of the Futuwwah, transliterates the same name as `Adul-Malik. So the rendering of the word is simply a choice of transliteration systems. I prefer al-Haveti's as being more consistent. In any case, it seems that the word following `Abdul usually does not take the article.
The following names using this construction have been documented from these two sources:
`Abdullah Devoted of God
`Abdul-Malik Devoted of the King
`Abdul-Razzaq Devoted of the Provider
`Abdul-Rahman Devoted of the Merciful
`Abdul-Aziz Devoted of Strong
`Abdul-Azeem Devoted of Most High
`Abdul-Jaleel Devoted of Splendid
`Abduk Not translatable
`Abdul-Ahad Slave of the One and Only
`Abdul-Qadir Slave of Providence (Fate)
`Abdul-Salaam Slave of Peace (salvation?)
`Abdul-Sammad Slave of Eternal (Stable)
Each of these names derives from one of the names of God.
What follows is a list of the One Hundred Most Beautiful Names of God, and their English translations. It is my opinion that the College of Arms should allow them in properly constructed Arabic names. The list is sorted alphabetically according to the Arabic alphabet. Where possible, the translation is followed by the three letter Arabic root word. This material is taken from Know Your Islam by Yousef N. Lalljee (Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an Inc., NY 1986). In the transliteration system I have chosen, several Arabic letters are indicated in Roman text by a letter with a dot under it. For typographical reasons, those letters are indicated in this article by underlined letters.
Ya Muhyee O Quickener, Bringer to Life
Ya `Aahad O One and Only
Ya `Aakhir O Last
Ya Mu`akhherr O Fulfiller (`A-KH-R End, Ender)
Ya Mu`idd O Restorer (`A-D-Y deliver, payment)
Ya `Aazalee O Eternal (in the past)
Ya Mughnee O Sufficer (`A-GH-N Free from Want)
Ya `Aallah O God
Ya Mumeed O Slayer (`A-M-D Limit, end)
Ya Mumeen O Faithful (`A-M-N)
Ya `Aawwal O First
Ya Mubdee O Beginner
Ya Barr O Good
Ya Baari O Skilled Worker
Ya Ba`eeth O Raiser from the Dead (referring to the final judgement)
Ya Mujeeb O Hearer of Prayer, Glorification
Ya Basir O Seeing
Ya Baseet O Uncloser
Ya Batin O Hidden
Ya Baaqiy O Eternal (in the future)
Ya Rahmaan O Merciful
Ya Razzaaq O Provider
Ya Rasheed O Unerring (Following the Right Way)
Ya Raffee O Exalter
Ya Raqeeb O Watchful, Guardian
Ya Ra`oof O Provider (K-W-F)
Ya Salaam O Peace
Ya Samee’ O One who hears (S-M-`A)
Ya Shaakir O Thankful
Ya Shakoor O Appreciator
Ya Shahid O Witness, Martyr
Ya Saboor O Patient
Ya Sammad O Eternal, Solidity
Ya Musawwir O Sculptor (S-WW-R)
Ya `Aadil O Equitable
Ya `Azeez O Strong
Ya `Azeem O The Most High
Ya `Alim O Knower
Ya `Ali O Exalted
Ya Ghaffaar O Pardoner
Ya Ghafoor O Forgiver
Ya Ghanee O Sufficient
Ya Fatih O Opener, Conqueror
Ya Qadeer O Providence, Fate, Omnipotent
Ya Muqtadir O Powerful (Q-D-R)
Ya Muta'alee O One above reproach (T-'A-L (`A-H-`A) Highest)
Ya Tawwab O Relenting (acceptance, repentance)
Ya Jaami O Gatherer
Ya Jabbar O Compelling
Ya Jaleel O Glorious
Ya Jameel O Beneficent
Ya Hatim O Mighty
Ya Hafiz O Preserver
Ya Haqq O Truth
Ya Hakim O Wise
Ya Hakim-al-Mutlaq O Judge of Judges
Ya Halim O Clement
Ya Hameed O Praiseworthy
Ya Ha`iy O Life (H-Y-Y)
Ya Khabeer O He Who Knows
Ya Mukhbeer One Who Informs
Ya Khafeez O Abaser
Ya Khalaaq O Creator
Ya Rabb O Lord
Ya Raheem O Beneficent (Pity)
Ya Kareem O Generous
Ya Lateef O Gracious
Ya Mateen O Firm, Robust
Ya Hasib O Reckoner (Noble)
Ya Majeed O Glorious
Ya Mukeed O Maintainer, Assurer
Ya Malik O King
Ya Malik-al-Mulk O King of the Kingdom
Ya Mumeen O Faithful
Ya Mannaan O Giver of Good
Ya Manee' O Withholder (M-N-`A, Impregnable)
Ya Nafi' O Favorably Inclined (N-F-'A to be useful, profitable)
Ya Muntaqim O Avenger (N-Q-M, Vengeance)
Ya Noor O Light
Ya Hadi O Guide
Ya Muhaymin O Helper in Peril, Protector (H-Y-M Passionate Love)
Ya Wajeed O Perceiving (Existence) (wajdaan means "Inner consciousness")
Ya Waahid O One
Ya Wadood O Loving
Ya Waarith O Inheritor
Ya Quddos O Holy One
Ya Muqaddeem O Forewarner (Q-D-M)
Ya Muqsit O Equitable (Q-S-T)
Ya Quahhar O Conqueror, Violence, Force
Ya Qawee O Mighty, Strong of Mind
Ya Qayyoom O Self Sustaining, Straight
Ya Kabeer O Very Great
Ya Mutakabbeer O Majestic
Ya Wasi' O Abundant (W-S-'A Vast)
Ya Wakeel O Guardian, Trusted One
Ya Walee O Nearest Friend (W-L-Y)
Ya Walee al-Ahsan O Friend of the Believers
Ya Waliy O Governor
Ya Wahhab O Bestower, Giver