Originally posted by Tiggerific:
Fellow Muslims,
sometimes I fear. I pray 5 times a day, most days. I don't take alcohol, nor do I drugs. I stay away from forbidden stuff.
I try to do as many good deeds as I can. I do what our faith requires us to do, to the best of my ability.
I can read the Quran, albeit haltingly. Unfortunately, I'm not terribly fluent in it.
And yet... most of the time I feel that something is missing. I feel like what I'm doing isn't actually enough.
I don't really know. I wonder if I've done my part to be a good muslim.
Anyone feels like this?
alhamdulillah bro,
maybe u should work on the `5 times a day, on most days' part...it should be everyday right??
actually there's a lot of things that we can do. after the shahadah, the solat, the fasting, the zakah, and the hajj, or maybe the hajj comes later in most muslim's lives, we can do the sunnah of rasulullah s.a.w.
fasting on mondays and thursdays, on the 13th, 14th, 15th of the month in the muslim calendar, fast on alternate days as 'aisyah mentioned in a hadith where rasulullah s.a.w. fasted as prophet yaakub did.
then there's also solat sunnah, 2 rakaats b4 subuh, 2rakaats b4 and after zuhur, 2 after maghrib and 2 after isyak. then there's the 11 rakaats night prayer where rasulullah never missed.
maybe u can also go to a weekly 2hrs/session religious class at the masjid or sometimes they conduct it at houses. it's where we can ask questions regarding the deen.
just remember that everything that we do for the sake of Allah, is considered ibadah, from the time we wake up in the morning to the time we go to bed, a muslim is faced with the necessary hukums.