Assalamualaikum to my brothers here..
Eid El Adha has come upon us once again.On this auspicious occasion, let us increase our taqwa to Allah sbt, by doing all that He commands us to do, and by avoiding everything that He has prohibit us from doing.
Do a lot of zikir and supplications. Seek forgiveness from Allah. Even if we will be busy with the activity of Qurban after this, do not neglect from remembering Allah. Let our tounge moist with His remembrance.

Qurban is the slaughtering of sheeps, goats, cows and camels, with the special intention of Qurban, and is done on Eid Adha, and the three days following it. The meat will then be distributed to the poor, neighbours, friends and family members. The appropriate division will be, one third for the poor and needy, another one third for other Muslims, and the last one third for oneself.
Qurban is the most virtuous act of worship on Eid Adha
Rasullullah s.a.w said..

Which means: There is no better deed on the day of Eid Adha which is loved by Allah, than the Qurban. The sacrificed animal will come to the person doing the Qurban on the day of Herafter, complete with its horn, wool and nails. Verily, the act of Qurban will be accepted by Allah before its blood reach the earth. So do it with open heart.
My brothers of other religions..
A hadith that was narrated by Hakim, Rasulullah s.a.w once saw a man laying down his animal to be slaughtered. He then sharpened his knife in full view of the animal. Reproaching him, Rasulullah s.a.w said: Do you want the animal to die two times? It is better for you to sharpen you knife first before you lay your animal down to be slaughtered.
We can see from this hadith, how compassionate Islam is. Even sharpening the knife in front of the animal is not allowed.
How about the slaughtering itself? How merciful can it be? Is the Islamic prescription of killing an animal a cruelty, as have been accused by some people?
Allow me to share with sgforums brothers, a research done by Professor Wilhelm Schulz and Dr Hazim from Hanover University in Germany. The objective of the reseach was to find out the level of brain activity of the animal slaughtered according to Islamic prescription.
The researchers found out that when the first cut was made across the neck, there was no perceptible change in the animalÂ’s brain activity. It was as if the animal did not feel any great painful sensation. 3 seconds after the cut, the brain activity showed as if the animal was in deep sleep or has lost conciousness. This is probable since the Islamic method of slaughter necessitates the sudden loss of blood in great volume from the heart and the brain. This sudden drainage of blood from the brain causes it to shut down quickly. Wherease the loss of great volume of blood from the heart will make the carcass easier to clean and safer to consume, since blood is the carrier of disease and toxic materials.
After six seconds, the researches found out that there was zero brain activity, indicating that the animal was dead. If there are movements six seconds after the cut, then it was caused by the animalÂ’s body electrical system, which triggers automatic jerking. The jerking will stop when all the body current has been drained.
My brothers of Islam and other faiths, enjoy this holiday as a rememberance to those persihed in strife and wars in other countries..Pray for their safety and share with them, the happiness and safety that you enhoy here as Singaporeans.
Peace be upon you