I feel so ashamed...I passed my N lvls with a 10 and until now all my weekly test in school I passed with a 70-75% weekly(answer sheet were given for us to memorised but i didn't)....I stopped studying after my N levels
I just realised how lazy and always thinking that i will pass my O lvls
this is why:
the gal that i liked..didn't come to sch today so during MTL lesson,i smsed her
Me: Are u sick or did u wake up late?
Her: Sick
Me: hmm....when u are sick,must drink water and sleep early...okies? ^-^

Me: Don't push urself too hard ^^
(then just now,i recived a msg from her,asking about what to study for tmr test)
Then its i felt that i am so ashamed...she was sick and still having the drive to study and I....just too lazy,heck-care...I had so much free time and i was just too lazy to study....
(My only regret is:I might be too late to jump back..i know i got the talents to be the top students but I might be too late

Vow:I will only come back to SGforums on fridays and weekends
Does anyone have tips on how to make studying more effective for me?
(Like:drinking more chicken essence?
