New Speaker's Corner
Is Yahoo Msgr better than MSN Msgr?
8 Feb 05, 10:20
MSN Messenger lately seems to disconnect frequently. Does Yahoo Messenger also has the same problem?
If Yahoo is better, then I will ask my friends to switch
8 Feb 05, 10:28
i'm just too lazy to add everyone to another place.
8 Feb 05, 15:38
no one using yahoo msgr?
poon cho tang
8 Feb 05, 15:39
icq was best
14 Feb 05, 13:00
icq was noisy
14 Feb 05, 13:21
I would love to use yahoo cos I feel that it's more stable but can't because of firewall in the office.
However, MSN seem to be able to get thru the firewall....curious abt how it manage to get thru it thou!
14 Feb 05, 13:23
im using ICQ and msn
a lotta overlapping contacts
dun wanna add in another IM and have to start adding everyone agn....sibeh leh cheh.......