Ever force your chio bu sister to have sex with you? Very soon i am going to rape and torture her everday.
ur real sister ar??
whose clone are you..
Originally posted by Bangulzai:乱伦
in english, it is called incest
if its real sister, wa dude u r disgusting lol
are u madpoh?
Originally posted by nature-ones:if its real sister, wa dude u r disgusting lol
if she is half-sister by law, from re-married parents is oso counted as incest by law
but if TS means god sister... then TS will commit the rape charge
you are one screwed up guy.. tsk tsk. confirm he's madpoh
wtf is this?
Originally posted by jisan:Ever force your chio bu sister to have sex with you? Very soon i am going to rape and torture her everday.
incest usually result in having mentally disfunctional kids.
are your parents bro n sis?
What. The. FUCK.!?
Do you hear sirens?
Originally posted by QX179R:whose clone are you..
whose clone r u?!
sounds like what madpoh would post
Originally posted by sexy girls:sounds like what madpoh would post
Originally posted by KaurexO_o:yupyup
madpoh jisan (x3)
Originally posted by jisan:Ever force your chio bu sister to have sex with you? Very soon i am going to rape and torture her everday.
your size so small, dont let it out at let your sis laugh lah.
You will get raped by big man in jail....
Just curioues ar , if my cousin is my mums goddaughter , n if i happen to marry her younger sister . Will that be consider as incest also ?
WTH ur sister also rape come on la.....
If i has a Chio Bu sister, i will take care of her, also she take care fo mi( is she big sister)
Madpoh in disguise
hope ur lanjiao rot & drop.