Originally posted by iSpeak:
Hi. I'm a guy and I sort of have the very opposite of a premature ejaculation problem. I suffer from delayed ejaculation.
I wanna know what causes this and are there any ways to overcome this problem? I've been pretty sexually active with my gf but I never can seem to come even with a pretty hard erection and some strenuous action. I don't have erectile problems btw - I get turned on easily and it stays rock hard. Just that I can't get the juice out.
I can only pinpoint a few :
1. Performance anxiety - I think too much about having an orgasm and I lose sight of it.
2. Poor sex? Me and my girl aren't very experienced.. we get turned on but don't quite know how to go with the flow naturally and how to finish it off.
I know that some of you may think it's a blessing to last long and I used to think until it has become a form of sexual frustration for me not to be able to achieve "release".
in your case, u can try following your own pace,
normal guys cum quite quickly, so we need to distract ourself to last "longer"
for you, u just shoot when ever u feel like, don't think about the duration, just do it. doing it without condom helps