Ah Gong, definition of sex is as follows...
noun sexes
1. Either of the two classes, male and female, into which animals and plants are divided according to their role in reproduction.
2. Membership of one of these classes, or the characteristics that determine this.
Sexual intercourse, or the activities, feelings, desires, etc associated with it.Thesaurus: sexual intercourse, coitus, congress, lovemaking, copulation, fornication, reproduction, carnal knowledge, mating, union.
1. Referring or relating to sexual matters in general.
Example: sex education
2. Due to or based on the fact of being male or female.
Example: sex discrimination
sexed, sexing
1. To identify or determine the sex of (an animal).
Definition shows that sex can be performed when you have the desires for that activity or feeling for that...
no need purely for making baby...
if that is true, condom will not be sold lawfully...
with condom, you cannot have baby... but it is allow to sell to public
hence, condom => can have sex but don't want baby