Hi. I have a question. About cinema show dates. Say, A movie starts on jan 1st on usa. Will it showtime on the sg same day as usa or different? and when they show it on cinema, they uses a film or disc?
More simpler: does the cinema show in sg and usa show in same day. when we go to cinema, they use film or disc to show on big screen?
Date will be the same day, however since we are in different time zones, Singapore sees it first.
New york in the east coast is 12 hours behind, Houston in central is 13 hours behind, and LA is another 2 hours behind Houston.
As to whether they use disc or film I dunno leh, I grew up in the days cinema uses film and project to the big screen from a room behind the theatre. Nowadays I don't see that room anymore, it just magically appear on screen.
they "download"