Dearest Dar.. i love you.! X33
no money book more tables is it? so little ppl attend
Never ask me go he xi jiu.... i miss YAM-SENGing
yeah maple marriage
sorry ar.. cause not enuff invites.. cuz i tot sgf ppl dont play maple
Originally posted by jonchao72:Never ask me go he xi jiu.... i miss YAM-SENGing
ang bao u bao how much?
Yah... dun play maple at all...
marry in real one la then get 10 tables for us
ok congrats
wish DevilsOwn and elmoqueen everlasting maple bliss in maple
so, how many carat ring?
2 karat.. XD
pic so small
omg people are still believeing in the hooha of maple!
clicky on it?
click oso dam small
need a microscope?
Originally posted by Nickyzsim:2 karat.. XD
sweety wedding tix though -.-
bo money get premium
got pple give you ang bao or not?
that time me and my buddy go attend a stranger's wedding using our own wedding invitation
and we give the couple ang bao by throwing out bags of mesos
that was around 10 months ago
i've quitted maplesea =)
lol congrats
ppl only give me colourful tube.. and korean fan XD
Originally posted by Nickyzsim:ppl only give me colourful tube.. and korean fan XD