you're only saying that coz tottenham is tottering around

but i'd rather MUFC attempts to brawl and Arsenal players run towards the riot squad and the riot squad tears into MUFC... Funguson attempts to shoot Wenger in jealousy and ends up shooting Glazer who happens to be there to have a look...
all hell breaks loose as the fair-weather MUFC fans decide to defect at that moment and pummel the true MUFC fans while the Gooners fans just stand around and watch with amusement...
Old Trafford is evacuated because Funguson has a gun...
in his lunacy, Funguson burns down an empty Old Trafford and then is arrested, stripped of his OBE and thrown in the loony bin
and Arsenal goes on to complete the 2nd season unbeaten while MUFC is relegated to the 3rd Division for being utter twats

hey! one can dream

Originally posted by Nelstar: