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Graduating to a Dream Career? Or an Average Job You Loath?Just two years ago in 2003, graduates had problems finding employment with disasters striking one after one. Now with the economy doing well after SARS and 911, the worries of not finding a job upon graduation are a thing of the past. With an upbeat economy, literally everyone finds work. So what lies ahead for your future job prospects? Could the following statement be the answer?
“It’s not about finding an average job after graduation, it’s about finding a dream career upon graduation.”
Notice the use of the word ‘After’ and ‘Upon’. All of us can find work after graduation; the better ones find work immediately upon graduation. That’s what an Internship can provide you. Now notice the difference between ‘Average Job’ and ‘Dream Career’. And that’s why you should do an Internship.
Every student graduates with a paper qualification, i.e. diploma, degree, master or PhD. So what differentiates yourself and your peers for that coveted recognition as the rookie of the year is precisely the overall package that you present to your prospective employer. There is no denial that academic results are important, however relevant experience, skill-sets and soft-skills are what most employers are looking for among the floods of paper qualification these days.
Most students are fresh, inexperience and thus discounted from being hired since they are more of a liability than an immediate asset. Being ‘fresh’ doesn’t mean good unless you are a model with great appeal, it simply means you have to be trained, trained and trained. Companies simply do not like the idea of paying a fat salary, training the newbie in the aspects of the business, only to see him/her job-hopping to another company. Internships offer great exposure and learning experience to students, giving them practical and marketable skills that are immediate assets to a company that is hiring.
The colleagues or mentors at work are excellent networking points and are wonderful referrals for future career prospects of an Intern. With great working attitude and contribution to the company, the Intern could well on his way to a guaranteed career upon graduation with the company.
Likewise, students who arm themselves with a record of Internships will have more career avenues to advance toward and see significantly greater prospects to land their dream careers. Marketing oneself for employability is an art that every student should know before graduation and Internships play a critical role in this aspect.
Long holiday breaks are great to enjoy for now, however there is no doubt relevant experience counts when students want a better chance to secure that dream career.
So now the question is, “An average job you loath or a dream career that you want?” The answer is obvious and the choice is clearly yours.
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Can InternSG help me find a good Internship?http://www.internsg.comYes! At InternSG, we have a database of companies ranging from Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to Multinational Corporations (MNCs) that are willing to provide a position in their companies not only to impart their years of knowledge to you; but also to let you assume responsibilities in a decision-making role.
Why take up an Internship?http://www.internsg.comInternships:
Provide you with a chance to learn more about the working world, first hand, and obtain both related soft and hard skills.
Give you the opportunity to gain experience in your field of study, something unavailable in the academic world. This is a chance to build up your credential, supporting your curriculum vitae.
Allow you to get information about your potential future employer and occupation, and see whether you are really interested in a lifelong career in your field of study.
Help you build up a network of contacts that would be crucially useful in any situation in the future.
Place you in a decision-making role; lets you make full use of your creative juices, ideas and energy that had no previous outlets.