Originally posted by the_don:
life, a cycle of activities carried out just to fill up the time before we become dust.
we are concieved, born, taught to live an existance our parents or government or religion think wat life is to be. is this really all there is to it? it seems a little, well, meaningless. looking at the small stack of papers i've accumulated over the years, i wonder if it was all worth the effort. even with the so called 'BASIC' paper of wipe ass degree, it is no guarantee of a life better.
to leave this world is a tempting choice. no more pain, no more needs, no more worries, no more love. one day, someone will make this choice and see it thru it.
good bye, don't cry, it's for the better. rejoice for i have lived.
To end one's own consciousness is the greatest tragedy.Still, if all the person has known is pain, I would not blame him/her for doing so.But I would do my darndest to prevent it.Circumstances can be changed, thats the miracle of being humans.We change our environment to adapt to our needs.Do not give up on life.