Two ghost met and both chat about how they died,
1st ghost : how u died?
2nd ghost : i died of cold
1st ghost : how does it feel when dying in cold?
2nd ghost : actually i was imprison in refrigerator. at first i was shivering, then my whole body started to frozen, later i felt the whole world was dark and i died. fortunately, i died with not much suffering.
1st ghost : what a pity for u....
2nd ghost : how about u? how u died?
1st ghost : i died of heart attacked.
2nd ghost : i see, how u had a heart attacked?
1st ghost : actually i found out that my wife is having an affair with another man. one day when i came back from work, i saw a pair of male shoes outside of my house. then i realized that the guy was in my house with my wife. when i rush into the bedroom, my wife was alone. i must find where that bastard is hiding. so i search the toilet, i ran to downstairs, look in the storeroom, but the bastard was not found. so, i ran upstairs and search the wardrobe, but i found nothing. because i was too tired of running, i got heart attacked and died.
2nd ghost : why not u look for the bastard in the fridge? if you did, both
of us will still be alive now!