Originally posted by bismarck:
i attempted to click the uninstall thing. but alot of programs are checked and some arent. and windows messenger isnt. so i do i uncheck all and check only WM ?
no.. those check are the ones to remain install.. only uncheck those that you want to remove.
for WM, when u install a newer version of MSN Messenger, it will replace WM to be launched... however, to remove WM(since it comes auto wif XP), even if you uninstalled it from the add-remove programs, the files are still persistently residing in ur C:\program files\messenger\ directory.
1) uninstall MSN Messenger if u have it.
2) uninstall Messenger (WM)
3) rename(safer choice) or delete that directory(C:\program files\messenger\) then reboot ur PC.
4) install MSN Messenger back if u wish to.
i cant remember the exact steps i took last time.. but should be something like the instruction above..