Net Slaves: True Tales of Working the Web, offers eyewitness accounts of grueling hours, gross mismanagement, and chronic backstabbing in an industry with no real rules. The truth is not only stranger than fiction; it’s stranger than ‘Dilbert’ on acid or a Hunter Thompson nightmare. Meet:
A ‘help desk’ worker overwhelmed by customer e-mail, who finds himself drawn to the elegant solution of the ‘delete’ key …
An engineer at the worldÂ’s largest chip manufacturer, fired after his health is destroyed by overwork, who decides upon a gloriously futile gesture Â…
A freelancer who is made the fall guy by her bosses after faulty software posts the wrong verdict at the end of the O.J. trial Â…
A mail-order machiavelli who earns millions selling cut-rates PCs that spontaneously combust and interfere with airplane navigation Â….
Written by: Bill Lessard and Steve Baldwin
DPÂ’s comment: Quite an interesting book, got it from Popular Book Shop for $5.90 only. Worth the price.