are ppl losing sleep over this?
i think we would be losing sleep over bloating medical bills nowadays rather than over celebrities...
Originally posted by the Bear:you guys remind me of the bus freaks...
my bus/actress/actor/moron is better than your bus/actress/actor/moron...
next thing you know, you guys are going to disgrace Singapore again by defacing wikipedia subjects about whatever the hell untalented hack actress/actor/ham/cross-dresser you are infatuated with
i find it funny like i find people who do stupid things to humiliate themselves funny
It's the same as the apple vs android or windows fanboys, your football clubs fanboys....
this is my account qitong .. i am not bella or what !
here is the proof on the above .. that fake bella good acting right ?
i have found out .. you pretedent say you fake me ? so they will use my picture
now look there are a few of them who is created the queen bee thread ..
and oh my god the Jessica think she is perfect is she perfect ?
Drama in the making...
stir ah stir...