和刘德å�Žæ¼”å‡ºã€Šç¥žéµ°ä¾ ä¾£ã€‹ï¼Œå¹¶ä»¥è„±ä¿—è£…æ‰®æˆ�功扮演“å°�龙女”çš„“姑姑”陈玉莲,日å‰�接å�—香港《明报》的访问时,自爆“已出家”。 陈玉莲曾与周润å�‘相æ�‹ã€�令刘德å�Žå€¾æ…•ã€�跟陈超æ¦å©šå§»å¤±è´¥ï¼Œè¿˜æœ‰ä¸€æ®µä¼ é—»ä¸ä¸Žå¹¿å‘Šå¯¼æ¼”蔡美诗的å�Œæ€§çˆ±æƒ…关系。 å› æ¤ï¼Œåœ¨æŽ¥å�—《明报》访问时,陈玉莲难å…�被问到感情,而她å�´è¯´ï¼š“我的感情生活就是修行ä¸ã€‚” 当被问å�Šè¿™æ˜¯å�¦ä»£è¡¨ç�€å¥¹æ²¡æœ‰æ„Ÿæƒ…生活时,她å�ˆè¯´ï¼š“我出家了ï¼�” 记者追问她“出家”çš„æ„�æ€�是å�¦å°±ä»£è¡¨ç�€å¥¹ä¸�å†�被感情牵挂,而且对以往的感情也已ç»�放下,陈玉莲则回ç”:“出家就是出家了的æ„�æ€�,这个问题,让我想一想æ‰�ç”ä½ ã€‚” 陈玉莲最近已ç”åº”ä¸ºé¦™æ¸¯æ— çº¿ç”µè§†å�°çš„电视节目《香港故事》担任主æŒ�,这次的访问也是é…�å�ˆèŠ‚ç›®å®£ä¼ è€Œå�šçš„。 陈玉莲还说:“我并ä¸�迷信,但我信神,凡事有轨é�“而行,并é�žç”±è‡ªå·±å†³å®šã€‚ç‰¹åˆ«æ˜¯å½“ä½ å†³å®šåœ¨æ€�想上å�šæ”¹å�˜æ—¶ï¼Œå°±è¦�决心去å�šã€‚”
虽然已出家 ä¸�削å�‘为尼 虽然出家,但是陈玉莲是跟éš�她的师父到美国ã€�åŠ æ‹¿å¤§ä¸Žå†…åœ°å�„地修行å�šä¹‰å·¥ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸�是大家想象ä¸çš„削å�‘为尼。 陈玉莲é€�露自己曾“é—å…³”两年,现在是“å¦ä¹ 修行”阶段。 “我们是以戒为师,我看佛ç»�ã€�《圣ç»�》与《è€�å�》,跟éš�智慧而行。师父讲é�“是éš�机说法,ä¸�é™�å½¢å¼�与场å�ˆã€‚我认识师父已10多年,å¦ä¹ 修行æ‰�5年。” 究竟“师父”是è°�?陈玉莲始终没有é€�露。 陈玉莲修行功课 收养贫困女å©å� 最近陈玉莲师父派给她的修行功课是在ä¸å›½“收养”贫困家åºçš„女å©å�。 去年11月,陈玉莲跟“å�Œä¿®”到四å·�赈ç�¾æ—¶ï¼Œåˆ™æ�œé›†äº†èµ„料,并到å¦æ ¡æ‰¾å�ˆé€‚人选,还å�‚考å¤å„¿é™¢çš„è¿�作。 “我离开娱ä¹�圈一段时间,当地人未必认识我。我唯有在网上下载当年æ‹�《神雕》的剪报,自我推销是跟刘德å�Žæ¼”æˆ�çš„å°�龙女,è€�师æ‰�开门让我看å¦ç”Ÿã€‚” 陈玉莲表示,她和“å�Œä¿®”会选择家境贫困,身体å�¥åº·çš„女å©å�到广州一起生活。 陈玉莲说,è¦�是å©å�过段时间想回到父æ¯�身边,就会把她é€�回家。 “我们会教这些å©å�一些å¦æœ¯ä¸Šçš„知识,还有ç�µæ€§çš„æ€�考。” |
Got english translation for your non mandarin speaking readers?
The Andy Lau and Idy Chan version of Condor Heroes the best.
You not using IE 8.0?
Can translate with Live.
The eagle in that version is the best - some guy dressed up in a suit flapping his wings.
So cute.
i thought she been hiding in the tomb cave
for 100 years or so?
Since when she went to join er mei sect?
With the Live Search Translator.
And by Liu Teh-ology performance and to play a divinely dressed as a successful ” “ girls ” “ aunt of 陈玉莲, recently accepting applications for the Ming Pao access ” “ has a nun in the ignition.
陈玉莲 has collaborated with Chow Yun-fat flock together, make sure Andy Chen Chao-Wu preoccupied, following divorce, is still a hearsay and advertising director 蔡美 relationship between same-sex love poems.
Therefore, in an interview with the Ming Pao, 陈玉莲 will inevitably be asked about feelings, but she said: “ my emotional life is our spiritual practice.”
When he was asked about does it mean that there is no feelings for her life, she said: “ I ” monk!
A reporter asked already she ” “ monk or nun, saying she would no longer be feeling in the past, but also to the feelings of the 陈玉莲 has also been put down, the answer: “ monk or nun, that is, the problem of meaning, let me think about before you.”
陈玉莲 has recently undertaken showed "TV show the Hong Kong story", this time it is in line with programme.
陈玉莲 said: “ I am not superstition, but I believed God, and do everything that has track, not by their own decisions.Especially when you decide to make changes in their thoughts, determined to do.”
陈玉莲 accepting applications for the Ming Pao, auto-ignition ” “ has a monk or nun.
Although there has not, where he became a nun to Nepal
Although a monk or nun, but 陈玉莲 followed her master to the United States, Canada and around the spiritual practice by working as the Mainland, and not everyone might think, where he is.
陈玉莲 revealed himself ” “ Hales for two years, it is now being spiritual ” “ learning stage.
“ We are taking the Signet-Ring as a teacher, I see the sutras, the Bible and Laozi, follow wisdom.The master say that preaching is random and is not limited to the situation.I know the master has more than 10 years, only five years learning spiritual practice.”
What is the master ” “? 陈玉莲 never disclosed.
陈玉莲 spiritual practice lessons adopted poverty girls
Recent 陈玉莲 master sent to her spiritual practice lessons in China adoption ” “ girls from poor families.
Last November, 陈玉莲 with the initiates ” “ to Sichuan disaster relief, you collect the data, and went to school to find suitable candidates, as well as the operation of the reference to a local orphanage.
“ I left entertainment business for some time, the local people may not know me.I only downloading those years filming 神雕 law describing self-promotion is acting with Andy Lau, the teacher of girls before they open the door to let me have a student.”
陈玉莲 said she ” and “ will choose the underprivileged and good health of girls to Guangzhou living together.
陈玉莲 said that if the children they would like to return to the parents, they will drown.
“ We will teach the children some academic knowledge, but also spiritual reflection.”
Originally posted by charlize:The eagle in that version is the best - some guy dressed up in a suit flapping his wings.
So cute.
It's a Giant Condor, that's why it's called Return of the Condor Heroes and NOT Return of the Eagle Heroes.
last time she used to be my sex fantasy.
if i am not wrong. both she n liu yifei act as xiao long nu n wang yuyan rite? somemore both of them r 'yu nu' for past n present.
She become a nun to learn some secret skills?
Trust 798 to turn this into some kind of bar topic.
Originally posted by deepak.c:
It's a Giant Condor, that's why it's called Return of the Condor Heroes and NOT Return of the Eagle Heroes.
That thing looks more like an eagle than a condor.
Originally posted by charlize:
That thing looks more like an eagle than a condor.
You can distinguish from the guy wearing the bird suit?
wonder whothe guy in the suit and how is he doing now hahah
oh no..