The Golden CompassFantasy-film aficionados have another big one to look forward to come December 2007 with the arrival of His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass. For the uninitiated, The Golden Compass is an adaptation of Philip PullmanÂ’s childrenÂ’s book Dark Materials: The Golden Compass.
Fantastical in nature, PullmanÂ’s book weaves a remarkable tale about a young orphan girl named Lyra. The girl grows up on Oxford UniversityÂ’s campus, but her world, while parallel to ours, is markedly different since it is ruled by a fascinating amalgamation of science, theology and magic.
One can easily draw comparisons between The Golden Compass and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe; however, the source material for The Golden Compass is distinctly darker in nature, which might explain why The Golden Compass has a broader audience.
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The Golden Compass