Originally posted by ndmmxiaomayi:
My teacher says we study history is to avoid repeating history.
What do you think so?
"Fools,say they learn by experience. I prefer to profit by other people's experience.”
-Otto von Bismarck,the first Chancellor of Germany who unified the German states
"There are two roads to the reformation for mankind—one through misfortunes of their own, the other through the misfortunes of others; the former is the most unmistakable, the latter the less painful…the knowledge gained from the study of true history is the best of all educations for practical life.”
-Polybius,Greek historian
"History has limitations as guiding signpost, however, for although it can show us the right direction, it does not give detailed information about the road conditions.
But its negative value as a warning sign is more definite. History can show us what to avoid, even if it does not teach us what to do—by showing the most common mistakes that mankind is apt to make and to repeat. "
-Liddell Basil Hart,British military historian