After ORD, will MINDEF send any letter to info u anything?
Reservist Call-Up (eSAF 100)
(Fm: MINDEF) You have a
National Service Call-Up Notification. For more details, go to or call 6446
7636. For assistance, call 1800-eNSNSNS (3676767).
Ops Mob
To listen to the message via IVRS, please call 6242
Call 6373 1114 or
NSF: Find Unit Clerk / Chief
Just provide Name, NRIC No. & a
Simple Reason for
Facilitate your transition from being an NSF to an
Operational Ready
NSman Reservist.
It comprises useful information on:
* Your roles, responsibilities and benefits as an Nsman
* Key administrative and transitional services you need to know and
use as an Nsman
For NSF, you are COMPULSORY to
complete this package by:
* Reading all the information in all the modules
* Taking the quiz at the end of each module
* Completing the survey at the end of all the modules
Once you have completed all the modules, print a copy of the
completion certificate as proof of your effort in order for Chief Clerk to sign your
ORD Clearance Form.
During each ICT, your Unit Commander will stipulate a set of
performance standards to be achieved. You are encouraged therefore, to
train yourself up physically and be mentally prepared for the tough
Note that if you fail to meet the required performance standards, you
will be subjected to corrective training. That is, your Unit Commander
may decide to serve you additional NS call-up for Make-Up Training
What are the Training Institutes?
For a more holistic and effective training management for the various
arms, the NSmen’s training are now managed by the respective Training
Institutes (TIs). You will then report back to your respective TI for
your NS training during your ICT:
What happens after I completed my NS Training Cycle?
Once you have completed your NS training Cycle, you will be posted to
the MINDEF Reserve (MR) List and be presented with a Certificate of
Appreciation. You may also be given a watch upon the completion of your
10 years of ORNS or your ORNS training cycle, whichever is earlier.
While in MR, you may still be activated during operational exigencies.
As an Officer, you remain liable for NS up to age 50 and 40, if you are
an Army Warrant Officers and Specialist (WOSE). Note that you are to
disregard your previous unit’s mobilisation codewords as you are no
longer required to report for mobilisation activation for your previous
units. A new codeword will be assigned to you accordingly should you be
mobilised while you are in MR. If you are travelling overseas for 6
months or more, you are still required to apply for Exit Permit.
How can I be in contact?
You are encouraged to remain your contact with your NS Unit and buddies
so that they can be your source of help should you require any queries
pertaining to your ORNS matters.
Alternatively, you may refer to the followings:
You will receive advance notification before every ICT so as
to minimise disruption and inconvenience to your work schedules and also
allow your employer ample time to make necessary arrangements, if
Note that if you do not attend your scheduled NS training without
official leave, you will be tagged as being “Absent Without Official
Leave” (AWOL) from your place of duty. Disciplinary action will be taken
against you.
What happens if I am unable to attend ICT?
Every NSman’s role is vital for a cohesive training with other NSmen
from your unit and it is therefore important that you refresh your
skills to ensure smooth operation as a team. As such, your absence from
ICT will affect the training and operational readiness of your unit.
While MINDEF exercises flexibility in granting deferment, every case
will be carefully assessed and weigh against the impact on operational
Having assessed the genuineness and severity of the case submitted,
considered the training requirements, your proficiency level, attendance
records and past performances, the unit commanding officer may grant
you a deferment.
What is a deferment and how do I apply?
Deferment refers to a postponement of a specific In-Camp Training (ICT).
You can login to MyDeferment in NS Portal (
to apply online. You are responsible for your own deferment application
and all supporting documents and information by your employers or other
sources much be attached together with your application.
What are the considerations for deferment application?
To find out more about your upcoming NS training programme, you can visit MyUnit in the NS Portal (
To facilitate you and your employer’s understanding of ORNS, a list
of commonly used terms has been compiled for your reference.
National Servicemen (NSmen)
What was previously known as ‘Reservists’, have since been renamed as
National Servicemen (NSmen). These are primarily male Singaporeans and
Permanent Residents (PR) who have completed their full-time National
Service and transited to the Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) cycle.
Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS)
This refers to the NS training phase that NSmen undergo within their NS
unit training cycle. NSmen can be called up to perform 40 days of NS
every work year.
NS Unit Training Cycle
Most NS units follow a training cycle that typically spans 10 years,
including at least 7 high-key (HK) training. This is to ensure that NS
training is conducted effectively and efficiently.
National Service (NS) Year
This is aligned to the work year, i.e. 1 Apr to 31 March of the
following year. During each NS year, the NSman will undergo NS training
in accordance to his NS unit’s training tempo and clock either a HK or a
LK training.
This refers to the notification informing the NSman to report for NS
activities. E.g. In-Camp training (ICT), briefing, courses, etc.
This is a legally binding document, which obliges the NSman to report
for an NS activity. The NSman is required to acknowledge the SAF100 and
inform his employer, if any of the forthcoming NS activity. Failing to
comply will subject the NSman to disciplinary action.
This refers to a request by an NSman to postpone his scheduled call-up to a later date, usually within the same work year.
This is a request by an NSman to postpone his NS call-up for a period of
one year or longer, usually for the purpose of overseas studies or
MINDEF Reserve (MR)
MINDEF Reserve consists of NSmen who have completed their NS training
cycle but have yet to reach the statutory age. They are no longer called
back for In-Camp Training (ICT) but are still liable for NS.
Ex-National Service (Ex-NS)
These are NSmen who have reached the statutory age, i.e. 40 for
non-officers and 50 for officers and have completed their NS liability
(A) Service Injuries
If you sustained an injury during your NS
training, it may be considered as attributable to service only when
service is the cause of injury. If you sustained an injury during ICT,
you are required to report immediately to your unit’s Medical Officer
and unit S1. This is so that your unit can arrange to attend to your
injury, and document your injury sustained in your medical docket.
Before MINDEF determines that an injury is attributable to service, you
are responsible for bearing all medical expenses. Treatment for your
injury must be sought at government or restructured hospitals at your
eligible ward and referred to by a government or SAF Medical Officer.
In the case of permanent disablement due to service injury, a medical
board will be convened. Eligibility for disability compensation will be
based on the degree of residual permanent disability as endorsed by the
SAF Medical Board.
If your service injury requires continuous medical or hospitalisation
leave beyond your ICT period, you are eligible for a stepped-down
compensation as a form of ex-gratia payment. Compensation will be based
on your civilian pay or an equivalent regular serviceman’s pay
(whichever is higher) if you do not receive any income from your
employers. This ex-gratia payment is compensation for your loss of
income during this period. Payment will cease when you are no longer on
medical/hospitalisation leave or when disability compensation is paid,
whichever is earlier.
(B) Non-Service Injuries
i. Satisfactory Completion of NS Training
If you are given medical leave for non-service injuries but are able to
complete your NS training satisfactorily, your medical leave will be
considered as part of NS training. You will be eligible for service pay
and MUP for the completed NS training duration, inclusive of all periods
of medical leave.
ii. Disruption from NS Training
If you are given medical leave for non-service injuries and your unit
has disrupted you from NS training, you are eligible for service pay and
MUP till the end of your medical leave or original NS training,
whichever is earlier. The payment of service pay and MUP from the date
of disruption is made on an ex-gratia basis and is restricted to the
first medical certificate you submit.
iii. Deferment from NS Training
If you report sick on the first day of NS training and are granted
deferment on the same day, you will not be eligible for service pay and
MUP for any period of medical leave. You will, however, be eligible for
service pay and MUP for the time spent at the unit to seek consultation
with your unit’s Medical Officer or to get your medical certificate
Family Recognition Voucher To recognise the importance of family support in maintaining
NSmen's commitment to defence and NS training, NSmen who are recipients
of Awards/Letters of Commendation or who have performed outstandingly
during In-Camp Training (ICT) or courses, will be presented with $100
worth of vouchers so that they could spend with their families. These
vouchers could be used on a range of rewarding experiences.
Since Aug 12, the initiative has been enhanced to allow NSmen to select
their rewards packages on-line. The list of rewards packages has also
been expanded. Eligible NSmen will be presented with a congratulation
letter by their Commanders at the point of eligibility ie at the end of
their ICT/course or Award ceremony. 3 weeks from the notification, they
would be able to select their choice rewards package on-line via NS
Portal. NSmen are required to choose and utilise their rewards package
within 13 months from being awarded.
New rewards packages that have been added include beach breaks at local and overseas resort, family fun activities (Singapore Zoo, Night Safari, Universal Studios, SAFRA etc), gourmet experience (Imperial Cheng Ho cruise, Singapore Flyer etc), spa and wellness activities and travel services. A preview of the reward packages is available at