Hey People :)
I am currently an undergraduate and I am honestly thinking of joining the police force upon graduatation. Can someone PM me some insights as to what the procedures are and if grades really do matter in terms of selection?
Thanks dearies!
lots of love
I am scheduled for 4th Jan :)
My selection assessment is scheduled on the 4th Jan 2012 too (which is tomorrow!). I'm getting really excited. Anyway, all the best to the people attending tomorrow's assessment!
just wondering if i have a tattoo which is not visible, can i still sign on? because i am selected for the first rd of assessment pondering whether should i try my luck anot...
Any1 going for the sign bond session on the 9jan which is tml at 2:30pm ?
Is it the poly awards one? I did not check my email hence i missed the session. Any idea how? Or i really missed the chance? Sad...
Originally posted by yjkeh:Hi hOnKiEz,
I am not 100% sure about tattoos but I think the ones that are big no-nos are obviously those that belong to the gangs. But I think “innocent” tattoos that are done on a part that is not normally visible when u wear PT attire should be alright.
hello yjkeh!
just wondering if it's innocent tattoo that can be covered up by collar tees?? is it "safe"?
Hi, anyone going in for SPO Selection Assessment tomorrow?
For those that are already appointed and goig into HTA, how long did the entire process take?
I went for selection assessment on 11 jan. status changed fron in process to shortlisted 3 weeks after assesment.
to date, no interview with AD yet. i wonder what is happening. =/
Anyone gone for interview after january selection assesment??
I had my selection assessment on 8Feb and my status changed to shortlisted after 1 wk plus..on 20feb
Till now have yet to receive any email or sms on details about the dialogue session..
Hi guys,
Do you guys know how many intake are there in a year?
Mmm .... I'm looking at joining next year as I'll only be finishing my studies this year Nov.
yjkeh, looks like you have lots of information. Mind sharing how you get it ? =)
yjkeh which uni u from?im undergrad too..graduating this sem!
what was the dialogue session like, mind sharing?(:
trying to find old friend now in spore coast guard on ship. cash reward for help. please email me for info. should be easy to find.
hi, just needa ask..
i sent my application via career@gov.sg for senior police officer
i have yet to recieve any reply for more then 1 week
was wondering how long do i need to wait before i give up and try for other career oppotunities?
and i need to ask any of you who are selected, are all selected applicants from local universities? or scholars?
cuz. sadly.. im neither....
Hey! All you police-y guys, help! I'm trying to find a friend, an NS Cpl, who's on a ship, Hammerhead Shark, I think. Lost contat with him when I left Spore (changed my email and no and didn't keep in touch). Can anyone help? Email me if you can.