alright people.. i was introed to this site very recently, and i hope my comment on VE is useful....
sooo... here's my two cents' worth...
i came into VE last year... spent like... 4-6mths there? cant really remember how long... it was straight after my "o level" papers were done... anyway... i am normally a very very very skeptical person... damn hard to please and hard to convince... and by god... i was not AT ALL convinced with VE's crap... *i actually, actually laughed when this woman was introing me to their products. it seemed too farfetched...* i remember someone saying in this forum that the ppl's engrish sucks? well... to be clearer... their english sucks like no other.

i mean... the only language i speak well, is *however unfortunate*, english... so i had a REALLY REALLY hard time understanding them, and a harder time trying not to laugh... mispronunciations everywhere... but u'll eventually get used to it... OH YEAH... they speak a whole lot of mandarin there, too... non-chinese peeps like me will definitely have a hard time at first...
anyway... speaking abilities aside... they came at me with this proposal - "wat du u haf to lose?" i looked at their business plans, and products... and i cant say that i thought it would work, but i did not think of it as a scam or prank. it was simple enough... u dont have t invest any cash... u dont hav to sign no binding contracts... u REALLY DO, have nothing to lose by joining... *expt time, which i had plenty of*... so i joined...
first few days was NOTHING but training... learning company's products and structure.. and them, trying to get you to trust the company. till todae, i have no bloody idea whether it works or not... but they have a hell of a lot of testimonies to share... and they even have a whole DAY assigned for people who bought the products to come down for a "picnic" sortta thing, and share experiences... so far, i dont think anyone came down and flamed the company for bad products... and i would have imagined such a scenario happening, if the products were bad.... so... only lord knows.
once u think u learned and sat through all there is to noe abt the company and its products, they throw at you more and more info. you start off as this micro-sized thing, that needs to handle one sale, before being promoted to a tiny thing (which, apparently, is an upgrade). then at tiny people's level, handle like... three or so sales to get promoted to small thing? *which is where i stopped, then never showed up again* as you may already notice with my brilliant choice of words, "micro, tiny and small", are not really very flattering words. you may take weeks or months to get up, but u'll only earn FEW hundreds along the way. oh yeah... they giv u like... $25 for going from micro to small within 3 daes?? and they giv u a certificate. How exciting. Go nuts. (i managed to do it within 3 daes, and was sooo like, "wtf" when i knew wad i was getting. i think i said.. "A CERT???? A BLOODYY FARKIN CERT??? AND 25 DOLLARS???? WAD THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE????")
anyway... once u hit the small level, ur allowed to "recruit" people. sounds tight, dosent it? its not. basically involves doing a lot of surveys *to provide the "woohoo!" factor, sometimes they have competitions. and guess what the winner gets?! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!* orh. and besides doing surverys, you could also recruit your friends. and end up either losing them as both friend and recruit, or as a friend. i mean, who actually LIKES the guy that is earning off of their profits?
then once u get promoted from small to below-average, YOU GET TO WEAR A BLAZER AS AN AWARD!! and gez wad? you hafta BUY THE DAMN BLAZER, YOURSELF!!! and if u dont? ur upline will have some "talk" with you on the significance of the blazer, and why you must buy it. great, eh? and your recruitment level is supposed to turn into "organizations" by then, when ur downlines have downlines *and how much you earn is EXTREMELY variable*... and so on... once u hit the "BM" level, which is like... "above average"?, selling is not ur main motivation anymore... getting your downlines to sell is. once u get to get 4 BMs under you, u'll become the "BGM" - mother of all brainwashed people... i mean... almost impossible to out-talk one of these fellers. a bgm would earn a lot of money, yeah... they earn about 45% off their own sales? and earn 40%-15% of what their downlines earn? i've seen the actual paychecks... some earn 5-figs.. some earn high-4s... its mind blowing when u think about it at first...
ok.. so ive covered the products, and business plan... now finally for the "negative" part of the post, a short story about the utter "freaky-scaryness" of it all. i mean... i got scared.
they sing. they sing ALOT. they have these HUGE employee meetings 3 times a week? where they sing, and cheer. plain scary. after the song part, some ppl get up on stage - looking so energetic you start to worry about their mental health, and start to babble about their experiences with VE. all positive, obviously. sometimes personal details about their journey up the business ladder, sometimes messages about "hard work". These things can last 3-4 hours, if they wanted it to. and people would be cheering their arses off. *in the indescribable engrish gibberish* they sometimes get soo caught up with plain cheer-yness that they stand up on chairs (thank god for low ceilings... if not, they'd get their fuckin tables out), and cheer and laugh. oh yeah... and they play alot of games - everytime... i mean... im not saying im a negative, sullen, depressed or suicidal guy.... but, when it gets THAT happy, i start to worry. Even the micro-sized idiots, with absolutely nothing in their hands will cheer.
now, as nature intended, ev'rything has its pros and cons. enough dissing, lemme tell u y its kinda good, this "VE"... hahs
u really DO have nothing to lose, but time. and its not a scam. you'll earn according to how much work you put in... some may have it harder than others, but its designed in such a way that no one gets a free cup of coffee.
its damn hard to sell, yeah... coz it costs a load, and all the testimonials and scientific backup is kinda hard to swallow, since its not on retail. i mean, if it really worked, y dont retail companies sell it? why dont they advertise? why is the "mag mattress" and "water enhancement" system not popularized? selling one-on-one is ok, but isnt it better to combine MLM and retail? sell the water in bottles or something or mag pillow pads in stores... advertise for it... popularize it first. yeah, costs will get even higher... but customer confidence will surge.
now, point is, its gonna be hard to sell... and at first, you are rewarded peanuts when you'd deserve bloody jackfruits. and yeah, your uplines will earn off your sales as well, coz, in all fairness, they're the ones that trained you, and got u in. but the silver lining is that - u can earn off your downlines the same way... very "equal opportunity" basically - its not a scam to you, coz there's nothing TO scam... and the business plan works... and its not a scam to customers, coz i find it very hard for a person to actually take the trouble to write testimonials or come down to the office to share experiences when the product does shit. if its a placebo effect, then, i guess what really matters is health in the end... so its fine as well...
the company is bent on expansion... and im guessin it probably will, seeing how recruitment is surging through the roof... one of my friends is still in there... and tells me wad's goin on... seriously... a LOT of ppl are joining...
sooo... the qn tt's gonna be on ur mind is tt... WHY DID I QUIT?
well.... yeah, its not a scam, and the products might be the real deal *oh yeah... and to answer to a post i read somewhere... YES, the mattress is made in taiwan... they say the design is frm the U.S., though...*. but i just could not continue in.
why? to succeed, u'll need to be able to psycho people, or rather, be able to sell. and i cant sell nuts, if my life depended on it. i can persuade when it comes to beliefs, ideas and stuff - in fact, im kinda good at it. but when it involves a product, i just cant. you'll need to put on an "everything's alright, im happy" face. i hate those faces - totally punchable. and i am utterly indifferent and ignorant towards my upline... to answer the question as to "who", his name has been mentioned in this thread before. the "infamous" bryan soh. why infamous? not really due to him, being the youngest BM and car achiever and whatnot.... really due to his utter LACK OF MANNERS and STUBBORNESS. he is SUPER SUPER irritating... i mean.. SUPER... one of those gangsta wannabes at times.. like.. "you got a problem, say it to my face" type? once he actually wanted to pick a fight with a younger guy, who was talking about something, and immediately stopped talking when bryan was around. he assumed that the poor kid was talking about him. u noe wad he did? he sat the kid down and said... "u got pobem with me? *spelt POBEM* say it to my face la! can say to other people why cannot say to me?!" and the kid was like... "i dont have problem wif you!" bryan, ever insistent that the kid was gossiping about him *apparently, the whole world revolves around a being named "bryan soh", and everyone in the world worships him as god*, said "then why cannot say to me??!! say la!!"
ugh. and btw - i was not the kid. a close friend was. and i overheard EVERYTHING. and wanna hear something else? bryan is sooo persistent on his downlines, to the point that he will scold them for being so slow. i got a FEW friends under his organization, who actually cried. *silently, of course*. he makes people follow his orders. and i mean orders, without question, and presumes NOTHING is his fault. got sooo many incidents to prove so. once, he actually LOST this poor person's belonging... and blamed it on the person. in not gonna tell wad it is, if any busybody down here spread it around, the person's name would be quite obvious. and he has PMS. seriously... sometimes happy, sometimes looks as though he was fucked by his father. whatever the case, u wanna go into VE, get into it right... there are a few corrupt souls in there who are soo narcissistic that they will do everything to push you to earn money for them, but there are also a few good ones... *Ms Jesse's quite the angel. OR SO I HEARD... dont really know*. and if u wanna be recruited by anyone hu is under bryan soh, think twice... i noe a few of his downlines who are corrupted by his stupidity and "its-all-about-ME" attitude. i mean.. i got to admit... im selfish, too, and very persistent.. but in his case, it starts to get pathetic and stupid.
i know the post is getting abit long, bit hey, im telling you close to EVERYTHING a newbie needs to know.. its gonna take long... but last main point is,
dont join VE if u want a life. u look at them, first u think - how united *then u learn of the corruption n politics*. then you'll find out how PATHETIC these souls are. some quit school, coz they have no reason to continue studying if they are already earning $$, some hav other jobs, go to school or have commitments. But no matter what, they will spend all their available time with the company. i hardly see a guy who has a life. sure, there's the occasional jack... but b4 u noe it? he's quit... and the more you climb the ladder, the more "devoted" and "loyal" you'll get to the boss and his company... you'll end up, literally, being lifeless and dead inside. heh.
soo anyway... moral of the story? VE's alright, but make sure u are under someone who is sane, make sure u want a life, and make sure u have a flare for selling - its gonna be time worst wasted, if u dont.
So i stopped going... didnt wanna sell, didnt wanna waste my life on a company, and became so indifferent to my upline that i stopped obeying him, stopped replying to his smses to come back, and just stopped thinking of him as alive *I dont hate him, mind you... it actually takes a certain amount of "thought" to hate a person. he isnt worth an ounce of my memory . he is, literally - and pardon the cliche, "nothing to me"*

Your choice as to, if u wanna join or not.... ive laid the pros and cons... but, for the love of god, be INFORMED about your company first. i almost quit wayy before, as i was having second thoughts on how the product works - i asked a few managers bout it, gave them a MAJOR headache. i mean... i was talking to a uni grad and an employee that has been with the company since it started. they both became speechless. *and i only took combined phy+chem science in sec sch - mind you* ended up wif an idiotic "trust the product - it works". was all set to quit... but decided to take another stab, at the product consultant... got my answer, and stayed for a few more months... (and if ur wondering about the product in question - its the mag matress. and how it works? E.M.I. - or so they claim.. makes some sense anyway...)
oh yeah, and dont be dumb enought to invest $$ into an MLM company... its just plain stooopid. any questions? reply to this post... or ask me for my email... im fairly open to disclosing it... but i wont, just yet...