Originally posted by goldevil:
I know I am timid , i am actually more braver than before .
but somethings take time .
I lastime socially timid until cant buy food .
everytime at foodcourt i sit there where my mum go and buy food for me .
now at least i made frenz in bmt . lastime i never talk to ppl although now i still feel anxious talking to ppl .
my self esteem also increase after bmt , i feel less inferior .
even my PS also think i cant finish field camp . they r scared of me they assign someone to look after me .
seriously , my 4 day field camp , day 1 i very scared .
day 4 ok .
at least my frenz encourage me . I cry at the campsite also .
now alone walking in the forestry terrain .
I think quite mentally taxing not say i cant overcome .
i more scared of dogs there nt so scared of terrain .

the storeman whom i work with always either get mc or medical appointment or leave . Somemore 8-5.
He most of time come to camp 3-4 times per week and is stay out

To Ts, being a storeman already sibei good life liao leh, think of it in this way, so much ppl are staying in camp including weekends n public holidays while ppl like u can go home everyday.
All yr fear i think after u go to yr camp a few times u wont be scared liao lar. U say u last time afraid to buy food, now u should be ok with it already right? U scared of BMT and in the end u made friends and managed to POP. So u see some stuff u need to get used to.