honestly wat he did was summarise the shit fate we all had gone through before in NS. Except he dared to be different.
One can argue that he is indeed different with the background he is from. But dont u think that will make him more catious about his actions knowing jolly well that it will be examined by the mass public.
Its tough to be him. He got shit on duty by a regular so he made a clear firm case against the regular. But the fact that one regular protects another made him pissed. So he took the matter up the chain of command. I think he did well.
Imagined this useless LTA who AWOLED is the same LTA that will eventually become a CO and lead a battalion of man. Will he AWOL when in the line of fire? PM Lee son made sure this doesnt happen.
This should serve as a wake up call to the SAF. Abolish the chain of command and have a system of open reporting. Its about time the Generals knew the real picture.
Way to go Lee junior.
the Bear
more like he got rocks in his head
I fail to argree with TS but rather the Bear
where can i read what he write?
it all a conspiracy.
the email: http://www.sgforums.com/?action=post_display&post_id=6825270