Originally posted by airgrinder:
sometimes it's not about who being in the wrong. It's about who have power.
if that bugger rank quite high one, and your MO dun support u one, even if u not in the wrong, u can also get into trouble.
Regulars are the worst to get into trouble with. Those professional ones ok, but those who take it personally one, jialat.
NSF niah, keep low profile, say sorry even not your fault, kana arrow do properly, no arrow, dun volunteer. 2 years very fast one.
You must remember, standing up against someone with authority is pointless. You dun get extra money, no extra off days, no extra time off, but run the risk of extra duties, confinements, etc. At the end of the day u may be recognised as "the garang one who challenged a major (example)" to your peers, but u still lose. Only rarely will u win.
Last time my unit got one fark up RSM. A 2LT (fresh out of OCS) challenge him on some stuff in S1 office in front of some officers, specs and clerks. To keep the long story short, the CSM was wrong and sloppy in this work and cock up some stuff, but he know how to tai ji until all not his fault. That 2LT openly challenge him. CSM kana sign 7 extra by RSM. For the next few months the CSM purposely make life difficult for the 2LT's company and sabo the 2LT.
sigh... in the end it's all about politics and face.
Sometimes, it's not about the rank.
A lower-ranked soldier in a more important/strategic appointment and higher level HQ has far more unofficial reach and influence than a buck 2WO or 2LT in a basic BN unit.