Originally posted by Meia Gisborn:
(Not Dave here, but....)
Short answer: on the AR15/M16, recoil isn't felt until the projectile exits the barrel.
Long answer: when the cartridge is ignited, the propellant combusts rapidly. The gas expands and pushes equally in all directions, but it hasn't been vented yet. When the projectile passes the gas port, some of the expanding gas is directed through the port and into the gas tube to push the bolt carrier back and begin unlocking the bolt. At this point, there is still no felt recoil as the expanding gas has not been vented out of the closed system yet. As the projectile exits the barrel, the expanding gas is vented out the muzzle and the bolt carrier, with the bolt now unlocked, is driven by gas pressure back against the recoil spring in the buffer tube. The recoil felt by the shooter is thus a combination of the expanding gas escaping at the muzzle and bolt carrier's rearward travel.
Does that answer your question?
It does answer part of the question. I had failed to take into account the reaction from the release of the gas from the opening of the barrel as a contribution to the felt "recoil".
But there is a point of contention here; you mentioned that until the round leaves the barrel, the system is considered a closed system and therefore due to the expansion of the gas pushing equally in all directions, no recoil should be felt. However, taking into account the change in mass distribution of the so called "closed-system" occurring from combustion to projectile just leaving the barrel, with the change in distribution primarily brought about by the travelling of the projectile from chamber to the mouth of the barrel, to reconcile the equation, there must exist a reaction in direct contrast with the direction of travel of the projectile, which forms the basis of my query. May I be so bold as to say that the closed system theory, in order to work, must take body of the firer into account for both sides of the equation to ....... equate.
To put it simply: if the projectile moves forward, something must be moving backwards as a reaction, and if the bolt and the bolt carrier or not moving backwards, what is?