what are some of the reasons why people chao keng in the army?
if u have chao keng before, tell us why u chao keng.
chao keng as in chao keng during CMPB enlistment, where u produce some specialist letter so u can get pes C or E...
or can also refer to u chao keng during bmt or during unit time, then end up u get downgraded n revocated to a non combat vocation...
what are the reasons? here r some which i can think of...
1. CK because they r sissies, n feel they can't handle the stress, physical/training demands, and regimental lifestyle of a combat vocation. They scared they will be bullied during army by other guys. They feel they are not fit to be a real man and fight like a soldier.
2. CK because they are fat, lazy and hate exercising, and feel that they won't be able to cope with all the strenous physical and combat trainings. They would prefer to be a clerk or storeman or driver etc where they don't have to sweat and chiong sua all day and worry about passing IPPT.
3. CK because they are born in a wealthy family, and have been living a pampered and affluent lifestyle all their life. They got maid to cook/wash for them, they get to eat good food everyday, and get to spend money like water. Therefore they feel they won't be able to withstand army life. And they also value their life coz they gonna be a future doctor, pilot, lawyer or businessman. They don't want to get hurt or injured during army time which would affect their future career. And CK to them is very easy, just have to find a specialist, pay them a few hundreds of dollars to do a checkup and find all faults with their body and write out some cheemology medical condition.
4. CK because they hate the army, and feel that the army is robbing them of their freedom, where the 2 years is hindering their path to higher education and future career. And to them the army is a waste of time and violation to human rights, and the army allowance is miserable. So they rebel by CK.
5. CK because they have a steady and long relationship with their girlfriend, and are afraid that if they get a combat vocation (stay in mon-fri/saturday), it will put a strain on their relationship. And the girl will start to feel neglected and go find other guys, which will end up with breakup. Plus they guy might feel physically drained during weekends due to tough army traninings that he might not feel like spending time with his gf. Therefore they would prefer a stayout 8 - 5 vocation such as clerk or storeman or driver, where they can spend time with their other half.
6. CK because they are the only child, or that their parents are aged and sick, and often need attention. And also if they r the sole breadwinner of the family. Therefore they would want a relaxed vocation so their parents won't have to worry day to day. And a relaxed vocation also can stayout, and so they can tend to their parents everyday.
7. CK because they feel that serving army is going against their religion and beliefs. They are opposed to violence and being in a combat vocation where there is requirement to bear firearms and operate machines capable of wounding/killing people is clearly going against their religion
8. CK because they are obsessed with gaming such as dota or maple. or obsessed with porn or the internet. They need their daily dose of gaming or internet. They feel if they have to be in a stay in combat vocation, they would feel deprived and would go crazy.
9. CK for fun, most probably influenced by their friends or people on the internet. They would like to challenge the army and so CK is a game to them.
What other reasons can u think of?