We control our operations cost by constantly seeking to streamline our orbat. To limit personnel costs, we have maintained zero growth in establishment since 1986.--http://www.mindef.gov.sg/imindef/news_and_events/nr/2007/mar/05mar07_nr.html
You really think so ? I hear a lot of these people talk about themselves doing more than 1 person's job. But if they don't do it, SAF continues to function, maybe better. Sometimes, I feel it is more doing redundant things, like trying to fix things that ain't broken, or trying to re-style the language without adding any substance, or moving furniture around the house and finally putting it back to the original place.Originally posted by kwlee:1 person doing the job of 2 person
Since workload increases but number of Regulars stays the same so where does the work go to?Originally posted by alwaysdisturbed:so every year the number of people sign on = number of people discharged + number of people retired