Jesus has been named No1 black icon of all time.
Ethnic paper New Nation asked experts to list the 100 most important figures in black history.
They put the Son of God - traditionally portrayed as white - at the top of the list.
New Nation editor Michael Eboda argued that the Bible describes Christ as "dark skinned" - and that 2,000 years ago, the people of Bethlehem were a "mix of Ethiopians, Egyptians and Babylonians, all mixed with people from central Africa."
He said: "Jesus was more likely to be black than anything else."
Church of England spokesman Lou Henderson added to the confusion, saying: "In fact Jesus was a Palestinian Jew."
Runner-up was US civil rights hero Dr Martin Luther King reports The Sun.
The Messiah is universal. what color he may be....he still loves people of each color, every race and every language.
Red and Yellow, Black and White they are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world