Originally posted by nukewatch:
say you tithed 100kg of grain valued at $100. If you want to redeem it, use $120 to do so.
Not sure if I'm correct. Someone else wish to comment?
Something like that lah....

The explanation given in the NIV Study Bible for the section from Lev 27:30-31 are as follows:
tithe A tenth (see Nu 18:21-29; Dt 12:6-18; 14:22-29; 26:12). From these passages it appears that Israel actually had three tithes:
1. the general tithe, paid to the Levites (Nu 18:21), who in turn had to give a tenth of that to the priests (Nu 18:26);
2. the tithe associated with the sacred meal involving offerer and Levite (Dt 14:22-27);
3. the tithe paid every three years to the poor (Dt 14: 28-29)
Tithe made by a Hebrew does not necessarily involve money, it can be part of a crop or a herd. So probably, if for some reason a particular calf was needed back by the offerer, this offerer need to make a payment amount to 120% of the value of the original "tithe".
BTW.... which church did you hear this "teaching" from.... sounds like something from a health and wealth church....