Originally posted by ~PEPPER~:
Some UFO are not satanic. They are hoaxes. Some crop circle also haoxes.
so all UFO and crop circles are either the work of the devil or hoaxes, huh ?
the Dark Ages are over, brudder...................
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:i dun get u, i only have i clone account, SBS2733G and period.
i said googoomuck lah, not you...............unless you're also googoomuck in disguise ?
Originally posted by Hahaha:):Gee. Now we link into aliens. Ok. If u see yourself on planet earth so u will onlyyyyyyyyy seeeee planettttttt earthhhhh anddddd nothinggggg elseeeeeeeeeeeeeesee. Get it? Do u know how many galaxy there r in the universe? Till now observed its 170 billion. And how many stars in a galaxy? Few hundreds billions. So if out of every sun and 50 percent got solar system. And of of these 50 percent life is on one of the planet. And out of this another 50percent got ALIENS. If u understand simple maths make a guess wat are the chances of life in other places. U thought u r the one and only “god made”!! Helloooooo!!!! Please go and read out and stop your plociamation. U think u god? U think u saint? U think u know everything? U only read your bible and not others religion text and assume so and so. U dont even understand wat is our world or universe is made of and u think is tis and tat!! Your understanding of things is like satan la, devil la, hoax la, hell la, sin la, conspiricy la, only truth god la, onli true religion la, Hearsay la, and so on. Yet love was taught. U preach u own “teaching” not true love. Love all and u will be love.
you're right, brudder !
these Christians always know too little and assume too much...................worshipping a man-made nobody called Jesus...............
the Buddha have talked about............ microscopic life...............other planets......other solar systems.............multiple galaxies.............multiple universes....................
only now, scientists are saying the same thing....................
Originally posted by Hahaha:):Gee. Now we link into aliens. Ok. If u see yourself on planet earth so u will onlyyyyyyyyy seeeee planettttttt earthhhhh anddddd nothinggggg elseeeeeeeeeeeeeesee. Get it? Do u know how many galaxy there r in the universe? Till now observed its 170 billion. And how many stars in a galaxy? Few hundreds billions. So if out of every sun and 50 percent got solar system. And of of these 50 percent life is on one of the planet. And out of this another 50percent got ALIENS. If u understand simple maths make a guess wat are the chances of life in other places. U thought u r the one and only “god made”!! Helloooooo!!!! Please go and read out and stop your plociamation. U think u god? U think u saint? U think u know everything? U only read your bible and not others religion text and assume so and so. U dont even understand wat is our world or universe is made of and u think is tis and tat!! Your understanding of things is like satan la, devil la, hoax la, hell la, sin la, conspiricy la, only truth god la, onli true religion la, Hearsay la, and so on. Yet love was taught. U preach u own “teaching” not true love. Love all and u will be love.
thats why christian beliefs are not relevant anymore, becoming redundant and obsolete in this day and age of scientific discoveries.
I have said many times and I will said it again. religion were created by ancient homosapiens or whatever you want to call them, as they couldnt understand the natural phenomenon, like thunders, drought, floods, earthquakes etc. they thought it was the works of a god in sky or heaven. as these homosapiens evolved, the practise also evolved to sacrifising of humans, animals and even babies to god, devil etc, in the hope they will appease the god/devil in the heavens. that was how religion begun and originated. the rest, as they say, is history.
they wanna think what will be afterlife so they create a beliefs
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:
you're right, brudder !
these Christians always know too little and assume too much...................worshipping a man-made nobody called Jesus...............
the Buddha have talked about............ microscopic life...............other planets......other solar systems.............multiple galaxies.............multiple universes....................
only now, scientists are saying the same thing....................
so you are a bluddy buddhist stirring religious unrest in a christian forum. what's your previous life? ancestor of terrorists?
Originally posted by shuiling:so you are a bluddy buddhist stirring religious unrest in a christian forum. what's your previous life? ancestor of terrorists?
Who knows may be he is sent by God to this forum.
Originally posted by Pinknutri:
Who knows may be he is sent by God to this forum.
yah lor.......God sent me here to this forum to condemn Christians..............to test your faith mah.............
the old psychopath told me he will send another flood if the people fail...................
Originally posted by shuiling:so you are a bluddy buddhist stirring religious unrest in a christian forum. what's your previous life? ancestor of terrorists?
another rony tan in the making lar u
Hmmmm how much have you people being reading up? There's so much debates on theoretical physics with astronomy about the flaws in the Big Bang Theory. Instead, a group of scientist subscribe to the idea of the initiate universe was inflated instead of an explosion because of the particles movement, the temperature to space ratio which clearly points not to the Bang Theory. And yet, the inflation theory cannot quantify why did the universe "inflates".
Subsequently, in whatever belief that you are in (minus non-creationist) there's creation and since the root word for creation is create and in order to create therefore a creator needs to be present there isn't much of a debate on just this definition
Now to some others, whether this creator is God or Aliens or some other intelligent lifeforms I honestly do not wish to debate on this because it's a never ending debate which benefits no one. But if you subscribe to creation then the common ground would be that life is created with a being of higher intelligence
One suggestion to all including myself. Read up and discuss without making unnecessary comments.
lastly, we came to this.
IMHO, why can't people just respect other people and go on with their lives??
so some people choose to go with their beliefs/religions, but some people think they are above everyone and mount a crusade to "save". Allow me a few words, just let it go.
Like a pond, the more you try to stir, it is not going to get any clearer.
i just thought of the nonsense about God created Earth in 7 days...............
considering how many planets and stars etc etc there are in the universe.........
God should be dead by now...............died of overwork...............LOL
When one wears a Badge (organized religion) - be it Islam (Muslim), Hinduism(Hindu), Buddhism(Buddhist), Christianity (Christian) - one is merely a prisoner- one is bound by so many tenents/???. It limits one in many ways. It is an unfreeing experience, one is in bondage.
However, when one is BEING Mohd, Being Krishna(?), Being Buddha or Being Christ - one is flowing and one is relating to oneself and vice versa. The first ripple of being ...??? emanates from what one is. One embodies (Buddha-consciousness, Christ-consciousness or ...) consciousness of being eg Christ or .... one is free and one is longer bound to ....
Sadly, in today's organized religion it is more of rituals and dogmas and doctrines. One is no longer flowing one is merely trapped. I say trapped cos how can beliefs (inherently binding) allow one to expereince or partake of another existentially! The seekers of truth unlearn and discover what comes as it is. Beliefs are an invention.
Real religion (religiouness) is one who is loving, being kind, being grateful and I m sure many of us have across such a person. He or she has arrived. He/she has not alienated the ''God'' within him/herself. Many today are so alienated they go around searching looking for ''God'' (call whatever it may suit u) in a church , temple, mosque or ...
When one cannot find ''God'' (the name does not matter) within him/herself one cannot find it in a church, temple , mosque or ... even in scriptures, sutras or texts.
One is already enlightened, it is awaiting recognition. How can recognition happen when one is leaning on somehting outside of one''self"' and hope to be ... (enlightened not in the sense of Buddhism or Christianity or ...)
This is the predicament of many. It is a squirrel in a cage - just going around and around. An inward journey is the essence of being religious.
All human beings long to be free. I would surmise and dare say that only love frees and of course it presupposes the one who purports to love is him/herself free on the inside. Love that is being kind, love that is being emphathetic
PS - Has anyone questioned or even wondered how come there is a Christian God, A Hindu God or ... ? Existence is non-dual. Human mind is so divided and hence the utter confusion.' One who is being religious is godliness - a fragrance of being ....???
im a spammer. i sucks.
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:the Human Ego and Desire to Exist led to the creations of religions..............think about it and instinctively, you know it's true.
people can't accept that after their physical lives ended, they'll be gone and forgotten............. they feel they're special and their lives mean something............that ego, the fear of dying and the desire to exist created the idea of a permanent soul/self......................they think they're separate and different from all others...........
but then they've seen and know people suffer physical deaths..............so they thought '' Ah Ha ! there must be an Eternal After-Life after my mortal life ends !''
but where will that After-Life be at ?..................so people think it must be a most pleasurable and happy place since who wants to live Eternally in a shithole, right ?...............so let's call that dreamed-up Utopia........Heaven !
so the next question will be WHO created Heaven ??? well, just as Man has to create the tools he needs..........then SOMEONE must have created Man and Heaven and everything else !
so.........HEY PRESTO !!!............let's call this dreamed-up Creator/Maker...........God............
that's the reason why all religions contained stories that's far far too HUMAN to be Divine.............plus full of loopholes and flaws...........
It's alright if you're not ready to accept any religions.
And since you're born without the knowledge and need for any religion, certainly you can also die without knowledging the need for any religion.
So you'll just go back to the dark hole with endless depth from where you came from.
Unless your main purpose of creating this topic is to see if anyone of us bothers to convince you to have a religion or even worries for you, then I can tell you that I won't bother to do that to someone who is not ready to accept any religion into their lives.
You are old enough to make your own choices in your life, and nobody is here to tell you what to do, when to eat, when to shit, when to fuck, and when to fuck off.
I can only respect your decision and wish you well.
aiyah.........i not so jialat as to need people to convince me to have religion lah............
most people are still very close minded so they feel there's such a thing as religions and gods............
all these are creations of the human mind.................
this phrase (from Star Wars !!!!!) says it well.................and very much like Buddhism...........
'' you are not even a real thing but merely a collection of thoughts that has deluded itself into believing in its own existence.................. ''
### ALL man-made religions are based on the self-delusion of a permanent self or soul................when you think long and hard enough...........you'll realize it's true...............
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:aiyah.........i not so jialat as to need people to convince me to have religion lah............
most people are still very close minded so they feel there's such a thing as religions and gods............
all these are creations of the human mind.................
this phrase (from Star Wars !!!!!) says it well.................and very much like Buddhism...........
'' you are not even a real thing but merely a collection of thoughts that has deluded itself into believing in its own existence.................. ''
### ALL man-made religions are based on the self-delusion of a permanent self or soul................when you think long and hard enough...........you'll realize it's true...............
I didn't know you actually cared for others, that's interesting.
Most people would've started a topic for themselves, be it to answer their own un-answered questions, need help in resolving some issues and doubts of their own.
But if you said you are posting this topic on behalf of others and not for yourself because you actually cares for others, then you should do your best to challenge their doubts on their behalf.
I also need to let you know, GOD DOES EXIST 100% whether you like it or not. And I'm telling you this is because I have enough experiences with GOD to know that HE IS REAL AND HE DOES EXIST.
I can understand your point of view if you are telling me you have not had any experience with GOD and you do not know anyone who really had experiences with GOD.
I don't blame you if you don't believe me. You don't see GOD to believe GOD, You need to SEEK GOD to believe in GOD.
isn't it true the human mind can trick itself into denying any traumatic events ?
it can do the opposite too..............those so called experiences with god..........LOL
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:isn't it true the human mind can trick itself into denying any traumatic events ?
it can do the opposite too..............those so called experiences with god..........LOL
So you tricked yourself into denying the existence of GOD?
But how do you know your conviction is correct when there are many evidence of people experiencing GOD compared to those who denied the existence of GOD?
Usually, people who denied GOD are people who are not doing well in their society, which I usually labelled them as "SOCIETY FAILURES".
Are you sure you're not one of those society failures?
By the way, an experience with GOD is not a traumatic event, it's a dramatic event.
But to feed your self-pitying consolation-seeking soul, that's a traumatic event which I won't bother to babysit.
I'll only tell you that you're wrong, and I'll leave it to you to correct yourself.
i'll soon start a thread on the non-existence of the so-called soul or permanent self............
very easy to understand..........you can ask yourself the points i'll bring up and when you think about it..............you'll realize there's no such thing as a permanent soul......
and that means that all religions are man-made............hence all the numerous loopholes in their so-called teachings...........
Originally posted by Asromanista2001:i'll soon start a thread on the non-existence of the so-called soul or permanent self............
very easy to understand..........you can ask yourself the points i'll bring up and when you think about it..............you'll realize there's no such thing as a permanent soul......
and that means that all religions are man-made............hence all the numerous loopholes in their so-called teachings...........
Your soon like not going to be very soon.
Next year maybe?
i too lazy to start the thread so far leh...............but very very easy to understand............
basically human mind is like a hard disk..............each lifetime is like a re-format of the disk.............
so no permanent soul............just a collection of thoughts every lifetime............
i'll explain more in easier to understand terms..................but too lazy and lethargic now leh...........
religion is belief...
as long as we're humans, we will always have a belief in one way or another...