01) must buy a book call bible .
2) believe everything the fucker on the stager say
3)believe that there is a bullshit place call heaven and hell.
4)need to psycho or brain-wash other people if they don't then either harass them or curse them or else ...)
5) pay monthly money to it (stupid hor.. paying so much per month just to join a community club.) Plus donation.
6) must bath since they believe they are made from clay chapt 1 genesis .(later kanan dissolve away how) (if got bath then they are will say must got the 'fake thing')
7) must believe the invisible man in heaven that it blood flow in their body( does not believe the one on earth who give life to them) and then call each other sister or brother. then can marry with one another practice incest. brother have sex with sister or sister have sex with brother, which mean blood related. sigh ...
Point 7 sound too kua zhang. WTF!
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Point 7 sound too kua zhang. WTF!
is true mah is you been to church they will call each together brother and sister. then only sister and brother who believe and from the same fraction or sect then can marry each other. This is what they so call morality or righteousness
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Point 7 sound too kua zhang. WTF!
incest mah since all people come from Adam and Eve...............and yet incest is illegal...........
heaven and hell is bullshit becoz back then there are no airplanes so they say heaven up in the sky..............but we now know better.............
people back then don't dig really deep into the earth like we do now.............so they say hell is below ground.............but now we know better.........
of course, the christians will give you more bullshit about heaven/hell being beyond our realm or similar garbage...............
01) must buy a book call bible .
Christians seek bible as the utimate authority of our religion
2) believe everything the fucker on the stager say
God is definitely not a fucker...he saved us..he gave us all
3)believe that there is a bullshit place call heaven and hell.
Hmm... wait till judgement day and see will you make this speech ???
4)need to psycho or brain-wash other people if they don't then either harass them or curse them or else ...)
We preach is to enable more people to have the chance to be saved , to be convicted by God, but remember salvation is by grace of god, i am sure god grace is not with you now
5) pay monthly money to it (stupid hor.. paying so much per month just to join a community club.) Plus donation.
All things come from god, it is indeed right to give him thanks and praises by giving back 10% to show our appreciation and gratitude to him, our creator, our saviour
6) must bath since they believe they are made from clay chapt 1 genesis .(later kanan dissolve away how) (if got bath then they are will say must got the 'fake thing')
Eh, what is the main component of clay, is carbon right, our life is based on carbon, thus, even scientist prove this , what more do you have to say???
7) must believe the invisible man in heaven that it blood flow in their body( does not believe the one on earth who give life to them) and then call each other sister or brother. then can marry with one another practice incest. brother have sex with sister or sister have sex with brother, which mean blood related. sigh ...
Yes, we believe that our parents give birth to us, but wait...who determines who are we..is God, he created adam and eve, their genes pass to us, so who created us, GOD!. We call each other brother and sisters IN CHRIST, incest refer to sex between brothers and sisters, but not IN CHRIST, God saved us, he gave us his son as the "Lamb of God". Thus, we are then worthy to be called his sons. And wait,....since all life comes from Adam and eve..den all incest liao lah? By your definition of blood releated...
I strongly urge you to stop this nonsense here. I am showing great forbearance and longsuffering to you.... (Gal 5). Or else you will definitely face music =)
hahaha Hitler follower spotted trying turning every thing sigh loser bullshit written by man you see loser can't convince you they curse you this the fake thing religion
Joolead and Romanista,
It is sad that various people have tried to reply you in good faith and with goodwill, but the two of you seem ever eager to reply with scorn and mocking when it is utterly unnecessary.
It is not simply about being open-minded or even asking you to believe in the same thing. Not believing in it doesn't mean you have to disrespect and be scornful about it. I do not believe in other religions such as Hinduism but I do not insult it either.
Also, despite the fact that people bring up to you their own experiences of people outside your stereotype or when the people themselves exhibit behaviour that doesn't conform to your stereotypes, you ignore it in favour of being hateful and encouraging continued attacks at Christianity as a whole instead.
It's not like we are damning your every reply crude or not rude as saying you are satanic and are of the devil. There are those who have replied you in genuine good faith but you react directly with unwarranted hostility.
As for Joolead's comments about heaven, hell and airplanes, heaven and hell are not physical places. But if you don't believe in things outside the physical then what is it to you?
And about Christians 'cursing' you, the thing about saying you would go to hell as a non-believer is not cursing and wishing you go there. There is a difference in meaning, whether or not you believe hell exists.
You are free to believe or not to believe whatever it is, but do note and understand of the many other Christians who have not conformed to your stereotypes or have not spoken back against you in anger. There those of us even here who respect your right not to believe, the least you could do is not be unnecessarily insulting towards people like that.
To everybody in general, Christian or non-Christian.
Be it whether you are saying in retaliation or just making a fresh post, think about you are just answering out of pure anger, pure hate or pure spite.
If you just want to make your point known and get your message across, then surely there is more than one way you can do it. It's not just the content in itself but your choice of words and tone that show what your intention is.
For anyone posting or making comments here, whatever faith or non-faith you may be.
Ask yourself this, are you really doing it to share and for the discussion itself? Or are you just all about the arguement itself.
To some people here more specifically and you know who you are. You try to make it seem as if you are being wronged or bullied, when your words and questions are more aimed to provoke more than anything. It's even worse when you know you can phrase things differently, yet you phrase it deliberately to provoke, to anger, to incite ill-feeling. Yet you go about accussing others of being trolls. The irony and hypocrysy of it all.
Theological debate here is moot in any case, because ultimately everybody here ends up in the same state of belief or non-belief. In any case, so often the debate goes haywire because of people who are all about the arguement and conflict rather than really trying to exchange ideas and understand the other. It's not just in this forum, it's in the whole of sgforums.
Ask yourself as well, are you just carrying out your own perverted and warped sense of 'justice'? Are you just ranting or are you truly trying to make a point and to tell the person something. Provoking thought is one thing, provoking ill-feeling is another.
You know yourself the intention of your posts, is it really to share and to communicate or is something more sinister that you mask with illusions of 'justice', 'truth' or 'righteousness'.
Originally posted by SBS n SMRT:01) must buy a book call bible .
Christians seek bible as the utimate authority of our religion
2) believe everything the fucker on the stager say
God is definitely not a fucker...he saved us..he gave us all
3)believe that there is a bullshit place call heaven and hell.
Hmm... wait till judgement day and see will you make this speech ???
4)need to psycho or brain-wash other people if they don't then either harass them or curse them or else ...)
We preach is to enable more people to have the chance to be saved , to be convicted by God, but remember salvation is by grace of god, i am sure god grace is not with you now
5) pay monthly money to it (stupid hor.. paying so much per month just to join a community club.) Plus donation.
All things come from god, it is indeed right to give him thanks and praises by giving back 10% to show our appreciation and gratitude to him, our creator, our saviour
6) must bath since they believe they are made from clay chapt 1 genesis .(later kanan dissolve away how) (if got bath then they are will say must got the 'fake thing')
Eh, what is the main component of clay, is carbon right, our life is based on carbon, thus, even scientist prove this , what more do you have to say???
7) must believe the invisible man in heaven that it blood flow in their body( does not believe the one on earth who give life to them) and then call each other sister or brother. then can marry with one another practice incest. brother have sex with sister or sister have sex with brother, which mean blood related. sigh ...
Yes, we believe that our parents give birth to us, but wait...who determines who are we..is God, he created adam and eve, their genes pass to us, so who created us, GOD!. We call each other brother and sisters IN CHRIST, incest refer to sex between brothers and sisters, but not IN CHRIST, God saved us, he gave us his son as the "Lamb of God". Thus, we are then worthy to be called his sons. And wait,....since all life comes from Adam and eve..den all incest liao lah? By your definition of blood releated...
I strongly urge you to stop this nonsense here. I am showing great forbearance and longsuffering to you.... (Gal 5). Or else you will definitely face music =)
3)believe that there is a bullshit place call heaven and hell.
Hmm... wait till judgement day and see will you make this speech ???
when is judgement day or it will never come ? human beings have waited far too long, some old souls have waited for more than 2000 years which is no different from eternity. year 2012 ? if it is not, i wonder when is the next date people will start preaching about end of the world again.
many natural disasters mean end of the world ? no, if you check the history, there were many natural disasters in the past and the earth is still going round.
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:3)believe that there is a bullshit place call heaven and hell.
Hmm... wait till judgement day and see will you make this speech ???
when is judgement day or it will never come ? human beings have waited far too long, some old souls have waited for more than 2000 years which is no different from eternity. year 2012 ? if it is not, i wonder when is the next date people will start preaching about end of the world again.
many natural disasters mean end of the world ? no, if you check the history, there were many natural disasters in the past and the earth is still going round.
eh, bible just mentions that when there are many disasters, judgement day will come (This refers to the end times)/ Take note that the end times started from AD 0 , so 2000 years had passed, let's us not fascinate about the end times and trying to predict, god forbid and no prediction will come true, we are not divine. So. seek him when you could
This is the agony of Christians peraching to non christians, you all are just know little abt bible and talk like you know all, with your faulted understanding about bible, your thesis will definitely be faulted.
Let me urge all non Christians to attend bible study and understanding more about bible den talk here. =(
bullshit cum hypocris cum pretender
Originally posted by Joolead:bullshit cum hypocris cum pretender
Just because you don't believe in the belief of others means you have to disrespect it. Likewise because somebody chooses not to believe in any religion means he should be disrespected as well.
At the very least, people have tried to answer you in good faith without insulting you or using crude language at you. Such matters of courtest are not about religion but as what a person should do in general.
About pretending and hypocrite, then let me ask you again, do you truly believe all church-goers and all churches are the same? Whether or not you believe in their individual doctrines?
Are you saying that the negative traits you relate to churches can only be found in churches and not in other organisations or associations?