Yesterday I pled the blood of Jesus on my handphone and on myself.I pled against any damages to my handphone.
Originally posted by XenDan:what blasphemy!
This is not a blasphemy.It is a blasphemy to Satan but not to God.Satan is very afraid of the blood of Jesus.
my christian friend told me the blood of jesus is serious business. Don't tamper with it.
how to pled the blood of jesus?
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:how to pled the blood of jesus?
that is utter nonsense
Originally posted by SomebodyInSG:
For anyone posting or making comments here, whatever faith or non-faith you may be.
Ask yourself this, are you really doing it to share and for the discussion itself? Or are you just all about the arguement itself.
To some people here more specifically and you know who you are. You try to make it seem as if you are being wronged or bullied, when your words and questions are more aimed to provoke more than anything. It's even worse when you know you can phrase things differently, yet you phrase it deliberately to provoke, to anger, to incite ill-feeling. Yet you go about accussing others of being trolls. The irony and hypocrysy of it all.
Theological debate here is moot in any case, because ultimately everybody here ends up in the same state of belief or non-belief. In any case, so often the debate goes haywire because of people who are all about the arguement and conflict rather than really trying to exchange ideas and understand the other. It's not just in this forum, it's in the whole of sgforums.
Ask yourself as well, are you just carrying out your own perverted and warped sense of 'justice'? Are you just ranting or are you truly trying to make a point and to tell the person something. Provoking thought is one thing, provoking ill-feeling is another.
You know yourself the intention of your posts, is it really to share and to communicate or is something more sinister that you mask with illusions of 'justice' or 'righteousness'.
Originally posted by Ongs080:Yesterday I pled the blood of Jesus on my handphone and on myself.I pled against any damages to my handphone.
so wasteful better donate to the red cross. i lend you my ka-bar ...