This post in life was to declare to God and all who visit this forum that I am a christian, again.
I was born a taoist. I became a christian in my JC years. Something bad happened to me which made me doubt the goodness of God. I turned to Satan and became a Satanist for a few months. Then, for 2 and a half years, I was confused about what religions to believe in.
A few months ago, God came to me in a dream, to tell me a message similar to this: how sad he is when I turn away from Him and chose to live in sins. God's presence was very real in that dream.
When I woke up, I could still feel God's presence being with me. I had not felt a touch of God's presence at all for about over two years in my life. I talked to God that whole night, but did not actually believe that he had come back in my life.
During my moments as satanist and as a person without religion, I had often remembered how close I used to be with Jesus and how loud I could hear His voice. However, somehow Jesus suddenly disappeared and I could not hear His voice. Many moments, even as a satanist and a person without religion, I did try to cry out to God but He never answered me. I never heard the sweet, gentle voice of Jesus that I used to be able to hear.
I was doubtful that night that God really returned to me, but I had a sweet time talking to Him and listening to His voice. The next day, God remained with me, and told me to tell my family, friends and relatives who I had told I would not be a christian anymore that I am a christian, again.
I was so happy to be with God, again. God's presence was with me for three days, and then, His presence was less felt, but I knew He is real and I knew that God is not evil. So I decide to follow Jesus, again. I only feel sorry that I doubt His presence for 2 over years in my life, and that I am so lacking in faith.
God is faithful, and I am glad, very glad to be a christian, again. :)
P/S: Some of you may remember my satan's message in which I talked about wanting to start a satanic coven here in Singapore. Well, for those of you, christians who spoke against me then, or prayed for me, thank you. I am glad to be back in the hands of the Trinity God, of the christian God, and of the Most High God of the universe.
heh heh heh...............good to take all the religions for a test drive............LOL
unfortunately, you're back in the man-made matrix again.................
so are you going to change your name to C.gal83?
so moving to suntec or moving out of suntec?
is there a church of satan in singapore?
tell me the location I want to join them
Originally posted by Daveteo:is there a church of satan in singapore?
tell me the location I want to join them
Originally posted by Poignant:
don't laugh ok. I am serious.
I want to go church of satan to learn how to cast black magic on my enemies.
After I learn how to cast black magic the 1st person I want to cast on is LKY, his son and his PAP lackeys.
pls dun forget to include the sluts also
so u is no longer grateful for the kfc incident?
does God gib u KFC too ?
Originally posted by Daveteo:don't laugh ok. I am serious.
I want to go church of satan to learn how to cast black magic on my enemies.
After I learn how to cast black magic the 1st person I want to cast on is LKY, his son and his PAP lackeys.
good for u
pls be good
God is faithful?? !!
tahts one of the biggest joke i heard
One flirt outside like no one biz
yet still bless by God?
One who sow into into his kingdom
in the end get nothing
thats call faithful?
Originally posted by S.gal83:I am glad to be back in the hands of the Trinity God, of the christian God, and of the Most High God of the universe.
Is the christian god the G_d of the bible? Seek the G_d of the bible. Is G_d a trinity??
You spoke about being a satanist, which means you forsook G_d and went against all He stood for, what do you think happened to idolaters in the bible? Read Revelations to give yourself a big clue. Walking with Yahweh, is no joke, it is not play play time. Either you are 100% for Him or you are not. What did Yeshua say about being lukewarm? He will spit you out of His mouth.
It is apparent that from the start you never had the truth otherwise you would never fall away. The bible says work out your salvation with FEAR and TREMBLING. You have been given a second chance, don't tempt fate and don't tempt Yahweh. Yahweh Himself says I AM a jealous G_d. Do not be double minded for a double minded person is unstable in all he does.
Seek truth not religion.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
God is faithful?? !!
tahts one of the biggest joke i heard
One flirt outside like no one biz
yet still bless by God?
One who sow into into his kingdom
in the end get nothing
thats call faithful?
Then the question is asked, did you sow into the Kingdom just for blessing or did you sow because you loved Him?
Originally posted by breytonhartge:Then the question is asked, did you sow into the Kingdom just for blessing or did you sow because you loved Him?
How about sow into the Kingdom for damnation?
Originally posted by breytonhartge:Then the question is asked, did you sow into the Kingdom just for blessing or did you sow because you loved Him?
u better wake up lar
dun waste ur time or money
into wat heavenly kingdom..
Originally posted by noahnoah:
u better wake up lardun waste ur time or money
into wat heavenly kingdom..
S.gal93,heartfelt congratulations to you!
Enjoy the brainwashing throughout eternity.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
God is faithful?? !!
tahts one of the biggest joke i heard
One flirt outside like no one biz
yet still bless by God?
One who sow into into his kingdom
in the end get nothing
thats call faithful?
God loves christians who sin and punishes those who do not.
Originally posted by noahnoah:
u better wake up lardun waste ur time or money
into wat heavenly kingdom..
Seeking the truth means to accept all the loopholes in God and bible and be brainwashed.
Originally posted by Dondontan:
Seeking the truth means to accept all the loopholes in God and bible and be brainwashed.
Originally posted by Daveteo:don't laugh ok. I am serious.
I want to go church of satan to learn how to cast black magic on my enemies.
After I learn how to cast black magic the 1st person I want to cast on is LKY, his son and his PAP lackeys.
not gonna work otherwise they be long gone can any curse against father and son work when they're already in league with the devil.............
Originally posted by As romanista2001:
not gonna work otherwise they be long gone can any curse against father and son work when they're already in league with the devil.............
I offer a better deal to the devil..
Hi As romanista2001, Dondontan, noahnoah, Herzog_Zwei, breytonhartge, Daveteo
I'm a Student.
Do you studies on Budhism, Hinduism, Toatism, Christianity, Islamic.. etc?
Able to post your findings, reviews and books on it? I want to learnt more from you... :) Thank you in advance.
Originally posted by Cc hern:Hi As romanista2001, Dondontan, noahnoah, Herzog_Zwei, breytonhartge, Daveteo
I'm a Student.
Do you studies on Budhism, Hinduism, Toatism, Christianity, Islamic.. etc?
Able to post your findings, reviews and books on it? I want to learnt more from you... :) Thank you in advance.
Wiki and google can help you.