Hi guys, I'm presently neither Catholic nor Christian, and do not forsee myself becoming one in the forseeable future. However, ever since I've started learning Latin as a hobby, the Vulgate, written in Latin (albeit horrendous, so I've heard.) and esteemed by the Catholic Church as the canonical text for centuries, seems to me to be a good way to practice my reading and comprehension of Latin in a natural way. Does anybody know where I can get a cheap copy of this Latin Bible?
how or where do you go to learn Latin?
I self-study. I've bought this wonderful introduction called Wheelock's Latin, and the autodidact (person who teaches self) has access to the teacher's materials and answer keys online, which makes it all the more wonderful. In addition, I have bought the Oxford Latin Pocket Dictionary and the Oxford Latin Grammar, and between these three books, studying and writing in Latin becomes a smooth procedre. However, since it is a mostly dead language and not in common use (except on the Latin Wikipedia!), the motivation for learning Latin can often slip away.
hmm. if you really want to go old school, might as well learn hebrew. =)
Latin doesn't really serve a practical purpose nowadays
hi here are a few simple ones..
pax .. peace
pax christi.. peace of christ..
ora pro nobis.. pray for us..
viva la papa.. long live the pope..
paster nostra .. Our father in latin..
hope that helps..
i'm catholic.. so i learn a bit from the hymns here and there..