Speaking as a spiritual free-thinker:
Everyone and everything is made of energy, with a certain vibrational frequency. The higher the frequency, the more positive, with Creator/God/Source having the highest possible vibrational frequency. Typical Man has a very low frequency, which can rise or fall, depending on various factors. Of course, animals' frequency is lower than Man's. Negative entities eg. ghosts have extremely low frequencies.
Unlike Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction states that 'Like attracts Like'. This applies to people, knowledge, thoughts, words, actions, situations. Just as you cannot force 2 people to fall in love, you cannot force someone to understand a piece of information, if their vibrational frequency is too different.
To understand this better, consider how you behave and think majority of the time.
If majority of your daily life is filled with thoughts, words and actions of anger, hatred, dislike, selfishness, jealousy, mistrust, suspicion, mockery, fear and negativity, think of the people you interact most often with. "Interact" in this case means people you communicate with, quarrel with, fight with, argue with, etc. Then think of the feelings you are most likely to feel, when you're alone. Then think of the type of situations you often find yourself in. You'll find an obvious pattern.
On the other hand, if majority of your daily life is filled with thoughts, words and actions of unconditional love, care, concern, compassion, forgiveness, joy, happiness, laughter, sharing, and positivity, the people, feelings and situations that you attract will most likely be joyful, sincere, caring, loving, happy, positive, etc.
This is part of the Truth of Life.
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892
Understanding and applying Law of Attraction to your own life is only the first step of self-growth. Once you are able to garner your positive energy at all times, your vibrational frequency will gradually increase with time (unless you get additional help to boost it), if you continue to reject negativity that keeps creeping into you, either from people around you or from within you. Returning acts of negativity only serves to increase the negative energy, not resolve it.
Once your vibrational frequency is increased by substantial levels, your Consciousness will also be raised, and you'll naturally be able to understand the Truth of Life and Earth better, as you'll be able to feel and see above the 'noise of lower frequencies'. Problems in the past could then appear as opportunities for the future. Seeing and experiencing situations from lower levels of vibrational frequencies often result in feelings of negativity, such as frustrations and anger.
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892
wat do u mean by "spiritual free thinker" ? Why should we believe in u ?
sounds like the secret... kekeke.
Originally posted by stupidissmart:wat do u mean by "spiritual free thinker" ? Why should we believe in u ?
I'm not asking anyone to believe in me. I'm helping people to believe in themselves, and that everyone possesses the inner potential to be just like higher spiritual beings, for people who choose to. :)
Else, just take it as entertainment reading, if one prefers to.
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892
Originally posted by breytonhartge:sounds like the secret... kekeke.
If you find out the true origins of 'The Secret', you'll know why it sounds similar. :)
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892
Regardless of how other lead their lives or what beliefs others may hold dear, whether we agree or not, we should be more concerned about leading our own lives to the best of our ability and experience. Not a single person on Earth right now (perhaps in the long distant past, but definitely not now) has the spiritual experience and pureness to judge another human being.
By intentionally or unintentionally interfering with others' lives, we're in effect disrupting our own learning journeys, instead of gaining in experience. If we wish to attract goodness into our lives, we should aim to be good ourselves first. Attacking others' beliefs, in the name of offence or defence, will certainly not bring one closer to goodness.
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892
Unlike Law of Magnetism, Law of Attraction states that 'Like attracts Like'.
Wrong, Law of Attraction works both ways: Same poles attract each other, opposite poles attract each other too.
hey TS your post is too long. could you summarise what you are trying to say in a few sentences? I have no idea what you are saying
Originally posted by RoyFang:Wrong, Law of Attraction works both ways: Same poles attract each other, opposite poles attract each other too.
Law of Attraction is totally different from Law of Magnetism, as it's got nothing to do with physics. It's to do with Universal Energy. It's got only 1 basic behaviour: Like attracts Like, ie. positivity attracts positivity, negativity attracts negativity. This is something anyone can experiment for himself to experience its truth and effects, but of course, the effects are not always immediate. Energy takes time to flow and take effect. :)
For anyone who wishes to experience its FULL effects to be convinced, one may do either of the following extreme exercises:
1) Be as nasty and negative as you can possibly be, to EVERYONE (whether in real-life or online) around you, whether loved ones or not, family or not. Filll your heart with pure hatred for everyone and everything around you and in this world. No exceptions, even spiritual/religious leaders (even those you respect) or God/Creator/Source (non-believers may curse Him for all you want). Refuse to let any happy or positive thoughts enter your mind or heart, at all times of the day, for as long a period of time as you can possibly endure (weeks to months). Think of your life as pure torture, with absolutely no purpose or meaning, to yourself or anyone around you. Observe what happens to your life, whether in relationships, career, education, health, type of social circle, etc. (Note: There's no need to worry about losing everyone around you, as there'll definitely be Like beings naturally attracted to you during/after the exercise.)
2) Be as caring, loving and positive as you can possibly be, to EVERYONE (whether in real-life or online) around you, whether loved ones or not, family or not. No exceptions, even spiritual/religious leaders or God/Creator/Source (non-believers can just think well of your preferred being, instead of cursing God/Creator/Source). Refuse to let any negative thoughts enter your mind or heart, at all times of the day, for as long a period of time as you can possibly continue (weeks to months). Think of your life as a loving gift from the Universe that allows you to experience and learn positive lessons, to be the best person you can possibly be. Observe what happens in your life, whether in relationships, career, education, health, type of social circle, etc.
Of course, I would encourage everyone to try 2nd exercise, as Life was meant for everyone to learn how to be on the positive path. However, if anyone wishes to try 1st exercise, unless you're mentally/spiritually strong enough, beware of its effects. Those who 'fall badly' may need external help to recover. At the end of the day, everyone has the freewill to do what he/she wishes. Fear should not be the reason for choosing or not choosing a path or stand.
If one has not experienced true darkness, one may not fully appreciate the goodness of Light. Life is but a learning journey. Real-life experience is far more effective than any amount of theories or debate, for those yet to be convinced, but stand behind theories, or hearsay from others. :)
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892
Christians believe that you are what you speak. The words from your mouth holds the power to life & death. Prophesise life & you will see life forevermore. Speak blessings instead of curses & blessings will overflow.
Originally posted by Dreamwerkz:Christians believe that you are what you speak. The words from your mouth holds the power to life & death. Prophesise life & you will see life forevermore. Speak blessings instead of curses & blessings will overflow.
Words and thoughts carry energy, just like deeds/actions. Hence, negative words and thoughts will attract negativity to the initiator, even if he did not actually carry out a negative deed/action. This is why words and thoughts are also responsible for a person's 'karma balance'. People are fond of throwing curses and negative words freely, without understanding the effect on their lives, but they will learn in due course, as the learning journey ahead is still long.
On the other hand, positive words, thoughts and deeds/actions will attract positive outcomes, one way or another, but always for our highest good. Man need to understand that their highest good may not always be what they wish for, as personal ego and selfish desires seldom serve us well in the long term.
Rainbow Jigsaw of Life
Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=227006050892