Why do those blind creationists blatantly state that seashells on mountaintops prove the story of Noah's flood account? Is it not possible that those migrating birds dropped the shells there after capturing those shells from the ocean? And of all places why is it only seashells are the ones buried under the mountains, and not deep beneath the normal ground?
Originally posted by Larryteo:Why do those blind creationists blatantly state that seashells on mountaintops prove the story of Noah's flood account? Is it not possible that those migrating birds dropped the shells there after capturing those shells from the ocean? And of all places why is it only seashells are the ones buried under the mountains, and not deep beneath the normal ground?
They believe it's true so they will just accept whatever evidence that "prove" it, it's something we humans tend to do.
Its called the confirmation bias.
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:Its called the confirmation bias.
All in their attempt to disprove evolution. LOL.
Originally posted by Larryteo:All in their attempt to disprove evolution. LOL.
There are also claims that the koran predicts the speed of light, while the original context of the passage is completely different. Its a tendency to try to see patterns where none exist.
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:There are also claims that the koran predicts the speed of light, while the original context of the passage is completely different. Its a tendency to try to see patterns where none exist.
Hah! What a distort from the truth. The Koran believing muslims do not worship the same God as the Jews and Chrisitans anyway.
Seashells on top of Mount Everest could be explained by plate tectonics. There was no Mount Everest before the collision of India into Asia, the collision resulted in the uplift of continental plates, resulting in Mount Everest.
Or maybe you think 40 days and 40 nights of rain can make seashells float to the top of Mount Everest.
Originally posted by βÎτά:
Seashells on top of Mount Everest could be explained by plate tectonics. There was no Mount Everest before the collision of India into Asia, the collision resulted in the uplift of continental plates, resulting in Mount Everest.
Or maybe you think 40 days and 40 nights of rain can make seashells float to the top of Mount Everest.
I don't believe in children's story books anymore.
I can't stop laughing when i see this thread, more so, when i see the replies
Originally posted by Mr Milo:
I can't stop laughing when i see this thread, more so, when i see the replies
In what way is it funny? Are you a believer or not?
Originally posted by Larryteo:Why do those blind creationists blatantly state that seashells on mountaintops prove the story of Noah's flood account? Is it not possible that those migrating birds dropped the shells there after capturing those shells from the ocean? And of all places why is it only seashells are the ones buried under the mountains, and not deep beneath the normal ground?
why only seashells are buried under the mountains. why no fish bones, sotong remains,crabs remains or other sea creatures' remains. or is it long ago there were only sea shells in the sea ?
Originally posted by Fairyfairy86:why only seashells are buried under the mountains. why no fish bones, sotong remains,crabs remains or other sea creatures' remains. or is it long ago there were only sea shells in the sea ?
Seashell is more resistant.
And I am saying that not because Noah's story is true, but because it is a fact.
Finding seashells on top of mountains doesn't mean Noah's story is true.
Noah's story is most prominently, not rooted in reality at all.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Noah's story is most prominently, not rooted in reality at all.
When the bible says "world", i am inclined to belive that their "world" merely consists of the middle eastern region. There seems to be little reference to anywhere outside that region in the bible. Something like the frog in the well story. (No offence)
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:When the bible says "world", i am inclined to belive that their "world" merely consists of the middle eastern region. There seems to be little reference to anywhere outside that region in the bible. Something like the frog in the well story. (No offence)
No offence to them.
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:When the bible says "world", i am inclined to belive that their "world" merely consists of the middle eastern region. There seems to be little reference to anywhere outside that region in the bible. Something like the frog in the well story. (No offence)
Who told you that? Rubbish.
Originally posted by Bagfag:Who told you that? Rubbish.
Im not saying its true, just that its the general impression I get. A flood of a region does seem more realistic than the whole world, if it ever happened
Originally posted by Bagfag:Who told you that? Rubbish.
It's possible especially when the Bible is written for the Jews who consider themselves and Israel to favoured by God, there wasn't any world map, and people from Europe don't know that the Americas exist or other people exist in the Americas before the discovery by european explorers ...something like the world to a Roman living in the Rome Empire era would be Italy, liberia (Spain), Gaul (France), British Isles, Germania (Germany), North Africa and Asia minor. But then again other cultures have similar stories about great floods.
Almost every culture has some form of story of a great flood. It could be possible that some flood in those ages that devastated them, most promintently a global earthquake or an asteroid collision.
TS, i laugh is because those blind creationists have a good sense of humour
if say, there is a pile of shit on the mountain and the shit still stay there for a thousand years, does it mean the shit is mine or anyone else's
the hilarity....
Larry, I really have no idea what you talking about.
TS, those blind creationists might as well clone someone who is 70~80% like Jesus or whatever god it is and kill him/her....leave the corpse there for a few years
then come back and claim it is jesus or whatever god....hahahahahahahaha
ok ok.. dun quarrel lah.. i admit lah.... i throw one lah... u guys never go pick sea shell to throw b4 meh??
Almost every culture has some form of story of a great flood. It could be possible that some flood in those ages that devastated them, most promintently a global earthquake or an asteroid collision.
probably because most civilisation has flooding problem up to even now
where got seashells on mountain top?