Creationism has been listed as pseudoscience by the scientific community, so whether it is supported by ''scientists'' or not is of no relevance.
After all that, you can only come up with a two sentence statement to lump everything up as a whole. lol
Whatever makes u happy.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:
After all that, you can only come up with a two sentence statement to lump everything up as a whole. lol
Whatever makes u happy.
There is nothing special to say since argueing so much is pointless.
Its not arguing. Its just making statement of facts, comparing and discussion with reason and logic supported by facts and scriptures. If u truly want to find the truth and not flip flopping between science and religion, jumping ship here n there with your own inconsistency so easily swayed with mere Wikipedia ( jeez.. ), u want to discover the truth ? U want to find the answer ?
Look for it yourself, challenge yourself and your belief. Even better, if u become a scientist driven by your passion of discovery for the truth and not just what Wiki says n what i say or what.. and go forth, armed with both the knowledge and not just doing urself a big favour, but doing humanity as a whole a mega big one.
Originally posted by BadzMaro:Its not arguing. Its just making statement of facts, comparing and discussion with reason and logic supported by facts and scriptures. If u truly want to find the truth and not flip flopping between science and religion, jumping ship here n there with your own inconsistency so easily swayed with mere Wikipedia ( jeez.. ), u want to discover the truth ? U want to find the answer ?
Look for it yourself, challenge yourself and your belief. Even better, if u become a scientist driven by your passion of discovery for the truth and not just what Wiki says n what i say or what.. and go forth, armed with both the knowledge and not just doing urself a big favour, but doing humanity as a whole a mega big one.
Not worth it since christians are the only ones scoffed at for their beliefs, and also most likely to be attacked by muslims.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Not worth it since christians are the only ones scoffed at for their beliefs, and also most likely to be attacked by muslims.
Come on. We all know Darwinism is false. Humans and all living things on earth are made by Nuu Wa. She crafted them from mud and with a breathe, she gave life to the clay figurines. You all got study history anot... aiyo
Oi Prove here hor.
Pan Gu and Nu Wa
Long, long ago, when heaven and earth were still one, the entire
universe was contained in an egg-shaped cloud. All the matter of the
universe swirled chaotically in that egg. Deep within the swirling
matter was Pan Gu, a huge giant who grew in the chaos. For 18,000 years
he developed and slept in the egg. Finally one day he awoke and
stretched, and the egg broke to release the matter of the universe. The
lighter purer elements drifted upwards to make the sky and heavens, and
the heavier impure elements settled downwards to make the earth.
In the midst of this new world, Pan Gu worried that heaven and earth might mix again; so he resolved to hold them apart, with the heavens on his head and the earth under his feet. As the two continued to separate, Pan Gu grew to hold them apart. For 18,000 years he continued to grow, until the heavens were 30,000 miles above the earth. For much longer he continued to hold the two apart, fearing the return of the chaos of his youth. Finally he realized they were stable, and soon after that he died.
With the immense giant’s death, the earth took on new character. His arms and legs became the four directions and the mountains. His blood became the rivers, and his sweat became the rain and dew. His voice became the thunder, and his breath became the winds. His hair became the grass, and his veins became the roads and paths. His teeth and bones became the minerals and rocks, and his flesh became the soil of the fields. Up above, his left eye became the sun, and his right eye became the moon. Thus in death, as in life, Pan Gu made the world as it is today.
Many centuries later, there was a goddess named Nu Wa who roamed this wild world that Pan Gu had left behind, and she became lonely in her solitude. Stopping by a pond to rest, she saw her reflection and realized that there was nothing like herself in the world. She resolved to make something like herself for company.
From the edge of the pond she took some mud and shaped it in the form of a human being. At first her creation was lifeless, and she set it down. It took life as soon as it touched the soil, however, and soon the human was dancing and celebrating its new life. Pleased with her creation, Nu Wa made more of them, and soon her loneliness disappeared in the crowd of little humans around her. For two days she made them, and still she wanted to make more. Finally she pulled down a long vine and dragged it through the mud, and then she swung the vine through the air. Droplets of mud flew everywhere and, when they fell, they became more humans that were nearly as perfect as the ones she had made by hand. Soon she had spread humans over the whole world. The ones she made by hand became the aristocrats, and the ones she made with the vine became the poor common people.
Even then, Nu Wa realized that her work was incomplete, because as her creations died she would have to make more. She solved this problem by dividing the humans into male and female, so that they could reproduce and save her from having to make new humans to break her solitude.
Many years later, Pan Gu’s greatest fear came true. The heavens collapsed so that there were holes in the sky, and the earth cracked, letting water rush from below to flood the earth. At other places, fire sprang forth from the earth, and everywhere wild beasts emerged from the forests to prey on the people. N? Wa drove the beasts back and healed the earth. To fix the sky, she took stones of many colors from the river and built a fire in which she melted them. She used the molten rock to patch the holes in the sky, and she used the four legs of a giant turtle to support the sky again. Exhausted by her labors, she soon lay down to die and, like Pan Gu, from her body came many more features to adorn the world that she had restored.
What kind of history is that. LOL.
Don't know, but I guess its as credible as creationism as stated in the bible.
Originally posted by dibilo:Don't know, but I guess its as credible as creationism as stated in the bible.
nnbz x 2
Originally posted by dibilo:Don't know, but I guess its as credible as creationism as stated in the bible.
Lucy had human hands and feet.
The face was almost human.
Originally posted by DouglasBitMeFingerBoomz:to laffin: sometimes, as much as im a scientific dumbo, maybe you can take a look at that.
Thanks for the link. It is a 'science topic' page hosted in a apologetics website, I wish they can update it to reflect the truth.
+Carbon dating: has inherent problem of fluctuation with time, calibration is needed, see the solution:
+Sometimes, when people don't even trust a scientist and his cardon dating technique, we have 7 other radiometry dating techniques to verify:
Your argument and logic is riddled with so many holes and self-contradiction I almost feel bad to correct you. Its abit like stealing candy from a toddler. So I shall make it as short and as painless as I possibly can. For a bonus I will also explain to you how you can convince yourself to live with absolute certainity of your belief while the rest of the world moves on.
1. Arguing that a theory is formulated by Man or God has no implication on the correctness of it. Thats throws out pretty much 75% of your argument. Rigourous 'proof' of a theory demands an investigation into all factors affecting your experiment and repeatability under the same conditions.
2. Sure fossils can be created in years. But explain why fossil sea creatures are found thousands of feet above the current sea level. *Do not use the great flood as an explanation, there isn't enough water on earth to cover the entire planet to a depth of '00s of meters. Also why explain why has geological measurements so conveniently show that the rocks these fossils are resting on are rising at a rate such that if extrapolated back in time for millions of years, the very rock should be under sea level. At which point you might be invoking the powers of the ALmighty.
This is where science is completely crushed.
Perhaps the ALmighty placed dinosaur bones in the ground to trick humans than the earth is millions of years old.
Perhaps the ALmighty deliberately calibrated the carbon isotopes in the organic tissue of to trick humans than the earth is mtrick humans than the earth is millions of years old.
Perhaps the illusion of stars expanding away from us is a Celestial Joke to see how humans struggle with a singularity.
Perhaps everything didnt exist until now and the universe is just created at this instance with everything of the past just planted into our consciousness.
Shit, you can't win against that. I am getting cranky.
Originally posted by Deadstroke:Your argument and logic is riddled with so many holes and self-contradiction I almost feel bad to correct you. Its abit like stealing candy from a toddler. So I shall make it as short and as painless as I possibly can. For a bonus I will also explain to you how you can convince yourself to live with absolute certainity of your belief while the rest of the world moves on.
1. Arguing that a theory is formulated by Man or God has no implication on the correctness of it. Thats throws out pretty much 75% of your argument. Rigourous 'proof' of a theory demands an investigation into all factors affecting your experiment and repeatability under the same conditions.
2. Sure fossils can be created in years. But explain why fossil sea creatures are found thousands of feet above the current sea level. *Do not use the great flood as an explanation, there isn't enough water on earth to cover the entire planet to a depth of '00s of meters. Also why explain why has geological measurements so conveniently show that the rocks these fossils are resting on are rising at a rate such that if extrapolated back in time for millions of years, the very rock should be under sea level. At which point you might be invoking the powers of the ALmighty.
This is where science is completely crushed.
Perhaps the ALmighty placed dinosaur bones in the ground to trick humans than the earth is millions of years old.
Perhaps the ALmighty deliberately calibrated the carbon isotopes in the organic tissue of to trick humans than the earth is mtrick humans than the earth is millions of years old.
Perhaps the illusion of stars expanding away from us is a Celestial Joke to see how humans struggle with a singularity.
Perhaps everything didnt exist until now and the universe is just created at this instance with everything of the past just planted into our consciousness.
Shit, you can't win against that. I am getting cranky.
Your statements are quite flawed. What theory by man or god? If its god's and therefore superstitiousness, i think we got a bit of problem here
Fossils found on high ground does not automatically link it to god or almighty. How so? How mountains are formed or island collapse over night? Thought about that before?
i read up and down and dont see there is any way science is crushed.
He is much better at explaining Evolutionary theory. Check out his channel and understand that you don't have to be an atheist to understand evolutionary theory.
Originally posted by Deadstroke:Your argument and logic is riddled with so many holes and self-contradiction I almost feel bad to correct you. Its abit like stealing candy from a toddler. So I shall make it as short and as painless as I possibly can. For a bonus I will also explain to you how you can convince yourself to live with absolute certainity of your belief while the rest of the world moves on.
1. Arguing that a theory is formulated by Man or God has no implication on the correctness of it. Thats throws out pretty much 75% of your argument. Rigourous 'proof' of a theory demands an investigation into all factors affecting your experiment and repeatability under the same conditions.
2. Sure fossils can be created in years. But explain why fossil sea creatures are found thousands of feet above the current sea level. *Do not use the great flood as an explanation, there isn't enough water on earth to cover the entire planet to a depth of '00s of meters. Also why explain why has geological measurements so conveniently show that the rocks these fossils are resting on are rising at a rate such that if extrapolated back in time for millions of years, the very rock should be under sea level. At which point you might be invoking the powers of the ALmighty.
This is where science is completely crushed.
Perhaps the ALmighty placed dinosaur bones in the ground to trick humans than the earth is millions of years old.
Perhaps the ALmighty deliberately calibrated the carbon isotopes in the organic tissue of to trick humans than the earth is mtrick humans than the earth is millions of years old.
Perhaps the illusion of stars expanding away from us is a Celestial Joke to see how humans struggle with a singularity.
Perhaps everything didnt exist until now and the universe is just created at this instance with everything of the past just planted into our consciousness.
Shit, you can't win against that. I am getting cranky.
Deadstroke, before you gets cranky, hear me out.
All your above argument are rather weak and need to invoke the the power of Almighty.
We can do so without the need for the power of Almighty.
If you can provide me where exactly you hear/read the fossil sea creatures that are found thousands of feet above the current sea level (provide links, preferably reputable sources such as nature or science journals), I can try to use my reasoning without need of Almighty force.
For your sneak preview, I will use (i) classification of fossil sea creatures; (ii) plate tectonic movement to counter your use of Almight force.
I can do it without losing my cool or getting cranky.
Gosh you guys are really mistaken. I am merely raising a hypothetical arguement that could be used by those who believe in an almighty being. I know I wasn't typing in a clear mind but you should really learn to look into my veiled sacarsm.
Consider which is more probable:
That the fossils ARE very old and are indeed forced from from below sea level to above by tectonic movements that by simple arithmatic suggest the earth must be at least millions of years old. (of course earth is in the order or 10^9 years old but lets not complicate things)
ps. I am not going to dig up references for a frigging forum. Heck I am not getting credits for Sgforuming, so just take my word that it exists. If you must then go search on on your own. Waddaya want? Spoonfeeding?
God planted these fossils that look old but are actually created at the moment of creation. And that for some reason he thinks that earth would be more interesting if the continents drifted. Also he is so perfect that he makes everything else in the universe seem to point at a beginning 14 or so BYA when he created the universe at whatever time the believers believe in.
If you choose to find solace in the latter, then I can only congratulate you on your unwavering belief. There is nothing more that logic can do to convince you otherwise.
Originally posted by wisefool83:
He is much better at explaining Evolutionary theory. Check out his channel and understand that you don't have to be an atheist to understand evolutionary theory.
"In any case, no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation" - Mark Ridley, 'Who doubts evolution?', New Scientist, vol. 90, 25 June 1981, p. 831
Two lines is enough to explain the evolution theory.
Originally posted by googoomuck:"In any case, no real evolutionist, whether gradualist or punctuationist, uses the fossil record as evidence in favour of the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation" - Mark Ridley, 'Who doubts evolution?', New Scientist, vol. 90, 25 June 1981, p. 831
Two lines is enough to explain the evolution theory.
Then it is very stupid for evolutionists on the forums to say there is really evidence from fossils that evolution did happen then. But since I neither believe in any, I guess I shall not say too much.
lol.. as funny as the Chinese myth.
lazy to argue about evolution...
However it is sad tat people read one sided and reject established science tat spans many fields just because a book contradicts it. It has clouded their judgement and their only source of belief comes from faith, not science or logic now. If one day their religion says cancer is false and come out with many one sided stories, they will completely believe them and go to faith healing instead. Since they have reached such a state, there is nothing left to say liao