Originally posted by dkcx:If i am not wrong, i believe there are species that have interbreed and can continue to breed on which results in a sort of new species evolving. I don't remember whether science had a hand in helping to achieve such reproduction but i do remember reading about it before that such are possible which could explain why a single family of animals can have so many different sub species as over thousands of years, interbreeding has occured and they start having enough numbers to form a new species of their own.
I certainly don't disagree with your explanations.
But i believe that the article was referring to human and chimp ancestors that had already matured quite deeply into their respective evolutionary paths and is at a point where they almost could not breed with one another. Something like a Great Dane attempting to mate with a Chihuahua.
I would correct my post, as i think i should have specified the early chimp/humans hybrid rather than just hybrid.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Actually i would like to offer a different theory.
Caucasians are known to have a higher rate of having skin cancer compared to other ethnicity and their skin is a lot dryer.This is because they produce less melanin (pigment), which provides necessary protection against UV radiation
It could just be in the early history of Man in the hot and exposed plains of Africa and Australia, anyone born with white skin are more proned to die earlier and generally have a great disadvantage in being able to breed and pass down the genes.
I know of the melanin theory as well which is 1 of the reasons they are saying why whites tends to get skin cancer more than the blacks.
However, i was just pointing out that skin colour was not due directly to the sun since its not exposure to sunlight that causes the skin to turn dark etc. Even whites may have the same amount of exposure yet they still do not change their skin tones to a much darker shade purely due to exposure to sunlight.
Melanin would be a scientific explaination along the lines of evolution which larry would not believe.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:I certainly don't disagree with your explanations.
But i believe that the article was referring to human and chimp ancestors that had already matured quite deeply into their respective evolutionary paths and is at a point where they almost could not breed with one another. Something like a Great Dane attempting to mate with a Chihuahua.
I would correct my post, as i think i should have specified the early chimp/humans hybrid rather than just hybrid.
There is no real reasons for humans to choose to breed with chimps. Furthermore, these days science is more progressive to trying to use genetics to only take the genes from a species which has a specific trait we want.
Eg, we could get the genes from dogs that makes their hearing and sense of smell so much greater than human beings and use genetic modification to 'create' human beings with such triats.
There is no reason to ever totally breed a human being with an animal for whatever reason at this age of science where they are into the process of decoding the genetic code and understanding which genes are the once that produce the different traits, abilities etc.
Originally posted by dkcx:There is no real reasons for humans to choose to breed with chimps. Furthermore, these days science is more progressive to trying to use genetics to only take the genes from a species which has a specific trait we want.
Eg, we could get the genes from dogs that makes their hearing and sense of smell so much greater than human beings and use genetic modification to 'create' human beings with such triats.
There is no reason to ever totally breed a human being with an animal for whatever reason at this age of science where they are into the process of decoding the genetic code and understanding which genes are the once that produce the different traits, abilities etc.
Correct, there's no real reason for the modern humans to breed with modern chimps and apes.What i am referring to an earlier point of our evolutionary history where the difference may be as slight as a black woman breeding with a chinese man.
If humans had stayed isolated for another hundred thousand or million years, it may be quite likely that the Inuit people would not be able to produce a viable offspring with say the Australian Aboriginal.
We are already doing that with gene modified food but the greatest worry has always been what happens when something that is gene modified managed to breed with something in the wild to produce something totally unexpected and grosteque.
We may be able to obtain the dog's keen sense of smell and hearing but there's no telling whether the offspring would look more like a dog or a human or whether the child could grow insane or feral by the imput of foreign sensory data its brain did not evolved to handle.
The problem with genetic modifications is that there is a lot of background programs running behind our DNA, we do not know whether by attempting to insert new programs would you corrupt the existing programs or totally compromise the entire system.
That said however, the current human form is extremely weak and fragile, both mentally, physically and biologically. It's difficult to imagine us being able to progress any furthur with modifying ourselves.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Now, you did not provide the link to the exact article, the May 17 issue of National Geographic has many articles so i'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume that
is the article you're referring to. Please give me the correct link if i'm wrong.
Dogs are considered to be a different species from wolves but they are still capable of interbreeding and producing fertile hybrids.
Note that the article also say that it is very likely that the hybrids are also unlikely to reproduce thus it was doubtful that they would have played any long term role in our evolutionary history.
So it is hardly news that the early divergents from our common ancestors could still breed with each other. The point however, is that humans now are no longer capable of breeding naturally with chimps so it's not wrong for me to say that we are now progressing on a different evolutionary path from chimps.
I believe this is the point you're trying to drive here?
Of course humans cannot breed naturally with chimps now because chimps descended from chimps and humans descended from humans.
Your argument is like it could be either this or that or both. It could have happened or it could not have happened.
You leave some room here so that later on when it is suggested that chimps may have descended from humans, you will still be correct.
You have covered both possibilities. Very safe, very wishy washy.
and they talk as though evolution is so reliable. They say the bible is faked but the embryonic drawings of human and fish were faked to a greater extent. Irony.
Originally posted by Larryteo:and they talk as though evolution is so reliable. They say the bible is faked but the embryonic drawings of human and fish were faked to a greater extent. Irony.
Everything is better than someone who chooses to live in denial, believing in something he has never seen or experience. Its just like believing in magic, fairies etc but i guess you are young enough to still believe in them resulting in ur denial of science.
i believe in exploring for the truth than taking the simple way out and believing in religious dogmas
Its simply a case similar to many years ago where a group of people came out and complain that fairy tales etc were harming the minds of the young by planting false stories of magic and make believe into the minds of kids.
We are now like these adults having a hard time making this kid understand that all the make believe stuff does not exist and he is living in a world where he IS the 1 who decides his own future, life and not some higher magical being who would help him like some fairy god mother.
Originally posted by dkcx:Its simply a case similar to many years ago where a group of people came out and complain that fairy tales etc were harming the minds of the young by planting false stories of magic and make believe into the minds of kids.
We are now like these adults having a hard time making this kid understand that all the make believe stuff does not exist and he is living in a world where he IS the 1 who decides his own future, life and not some higher magical being who would help him like some fairy god mother.
Believing in evolution is no different from believing in the fairy tale of a fairy who turned the prince into a frog. Fish morphing into humans made me laugh like shit.
''The theory of evolution is certainly an interesting phenomenon. While it is referred to as a “scientific theory,” it is defended by its believers when questioned like it is sacred; like it is their very lifeblood. People who believe in this theory defend it as fiercely and even angrily as any other radical religious believer would, as if their very existence depends on it. But why is this so? If a scientist or professor questioned or doubted any other scientific theory, their peers would inquire as to why, and a civilized, open minded exchange would ensue in order to educate one another and seek truth of the matter. This is not so for the theory of evolution. If a scientist or professor dares to doubt the sacred theory of Darwin (and believe it or not, some are brave enough to do so), they can be shunned, mocked, ridiculed, or risk losing their respective positions among societal ranks. What drives this societal mechanism? Is the theory of really evolution so indisputable that anyone who questions it is deemed unsuitable for a prominent role in society? Or, does the way these matters are handled simply show that evolution is a belief system, rather than science?''
after |
Originally posted by Larryteo:Believing in evolution is no different from believing in the fairy tale of a fairy who turned the prince into a frog. Fish morphing into humans made me laugh like shit.
There is scientific basis and continued research. You are just too niave and lack the intellectual capabilities to understand all these advanced sciences since you still believe in magic of prince turning into a frog and fish becoming humans.
We talk about evolution, not magic nor cartoons which its obvious you watch too much of. Please learn what is meant by evolution and what is meant by magic since you seems to lack understanding of their difference.
Please wakeup, you will never get a magic wand that can summon fairy, angels etc to give u money, food etc to survive. Everything you are using now, doing now, relying on now comes from technology and not your make believe god who has done nothing for you except made you look like a fool in front of us.
In science, you don't open your mouth and talk crap like you do. Any scientist that wants to deprove anything has to show evidence that it is false. Since so many have found evidence of evolution that few can disprove with proper facts and noone can prove creationism, believing in creationism is like believing magic exist in this world since it can't be proven.
scientists doubt one another most of the time, everyone is searching for ultimate truth, and i am quite surprised, since when evolution is a belief system?
science is never a belief system, but i would rather say, an attitude
again, better than taking the easy way out and believing in religious dogma
Originally posted by laurence82:scientists doubt one another most of the time, everyone is searching for ultimate truth, and i am quite surprised, since when evolution is a belief system?
science is never a belief system, but i would rather say, an attitude
again, better than taking the easy way out and believing in religious dogma
It's more reasonable to believe that some person created humans for a start rather than some evolutionists humble themselves and say life is an accident, assuming that some amoeba-like microbe morphing into some creature millions of years later.
A kid will always remain a kid believing in magic and not facts.
Most kids grow up and mature, reaching a age where they realised that all the magic and fairy tales they read and grew up with are all false and they start to embrance and accept the scientific facts that is evident around them.
TS is clearly 1 who still has not matured beyond the childhood stage of fairytales and make believes to reach the next stage of development and face the facts around him.
Originally posted by dkcx:A kid will always remain a kid believing in magic and not facts.
Most kids grow up and mature, reaching a age where they realised that all the magic and fairy tales they read and grew up with are all false and they start to embrance and accept the scientific facts that is evident around them.
TS is clearly 1 who still has not matured beyond the childhood stage of fairytales and make believes to reach the next stage of development and face the facts around him.
I'm laughing and I'm still laughing. Why are you pissed off?
Questions from those who dare to doubt Darwin:
1) So... fish just sprout legs out of convenience, huh? Sounds like some kind of crazy Harry Potter movie. I wonder how many generations of fish flopping up onto land and dying it took before they decided to sprout legs and grow lungs. I bet that if such a transformation did occur, the intermediary species would be quite hindered, having half-grown legs that impeded its ability to swim while not being able to walk yet.
2) At what point did the fish or lizard (that sprouted legs and grew lungs) give birth to a mammal? I bet that really freaked out the mother when she realized there was no way to nurse them. Of course there's no fossil evidence for such an intermediary creature, but imagination can be entertaining.
Originally posted by Larryteo:It's more reasonable to believe that some person created humans for a start rather than some evolutionists humble themselves and say life is an accident, assuming that some amoeba-like microbe morphing into some creature millions of years later.
So you rather believe you are made of clay or some clay sort of material rather than believe in science that you are made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen etc compounds?
I guess you don't believe in yourself being born from a sperm and egg but believe you were implanted into your mother's stomach but some god since you believe life is only created by this so called god.
No sex for you in future since you are not allowed to create life. Sex is a passing on of genetic information and thus a form of evolution. Since you don't believe in it, please do not ever carry our the evolution process.
Originally posted by Larryteo:It's more reasonable to believe that some person created humans for a start rather than some evolutionists humble themselves and say life is an accident, assuming that some amoeba-like microbe morphing into some creature millions of years later.
for one, we have evidence that we have life millions of years ago and that humans came about in recent years
genetics proved how we related to other creatures and how we evolved
there is nothing to prove instant creationism......i would say creationism was the easy way out because scientists are still exploring evolution
again, its the attitude, and i expect people would rather go for quick easy solution to all these questions
Originally posted by dkcx:So you rather believe you are made of clay or some clay sort of material rather than believe in science that you are made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen etc compounds?
I guess you don't believe in yourself being born from a sperm and egg but believe you were implanted into your mother's stomach but some god since you believe life is only created by this so called god.
No sex for you in future since you are not allowed to create life. Sex is a passing on of genetic information and thus a form of evolution. Since you don't believe in it, please do not ever carry our the evolution process.
Sex is a continual of species, adn God wants us to do that with only one female whom you are married to. And I'm still laughing and laughing, you are so pissed off and I like that.
Evolutionists Make Fools of Themselves
“At the heart of evolutionary theory is the basic idea that life has existed for billions of years and has changed over time. Overwhelming evidence supports this fact.”
SOURCE: http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary/article/0_0_0/lines_01
They deceitfully speak of “overwhelming evidence” which they don't have. They deceitfully claim that the unproven theory of life having existed and changed for over billions of years is a “fact.” A fact is a concept whose truth can be proven. The lame theories of evolution have never been proven by science. Thus, evolution is not a fact in any sense of the word. Evolution is a theory, incapable of being verified. They even admit this on the Berkeley website . . .
“Hypotheses and theories may be well supported by evidence, but never proven.”
SOURCE: http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/footshooting/Iterminology.shtml
Yet they hypocritically claim that evolution is not a belief . . .
“Science is not about belief—it is about making inferences based on evidence.”
SOURCE: http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evosite/footshooting/Iterminology.shtml
Originally posted by laurence82:for one, we have evidence that we have life millions of years ago and that humans came about in recent years
genetics proved how we related to other creatures and how we evolved
there is nothing to prove instant creationism......i would say creationism was the easy way out because scientists are still exploring evolution
again, its the attitude, and i expect people would rather go for quick easy solution to all these questions
Originally posted by dkcx:So you rather believe you are made of clay or some clay sort of material rather than believe in science that you are made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen etc compounds?
I guess you don't believe in yourself being born from a sperm and egg but believe you were implanted into your mother's stomach but some god since you believe life is only created by this so called god.
No sex for you in future since you are not allowed to create life. Sex is a passing on of genetic information and thus a form of evolution. Since you don't believe in it, please do not ever carry our the evolution process.
you know, for one thing i really believe in darwin's survival of the fittest and i do hope this principle continues, its very hard to live with unintelligent beings and its starting to annoy me
Originally posted by Larryteo:I'm laughing and I'm still laughing. Why are you pissed off?
Questions from those who dare to doubt Darwin:
1) So... fish just sprout legs out of convenience, huh? Sounds like some kind of crazy Harry Potter movie. I wonder how many generations of fish flopping up onto land and dying it took before they decided to sprout legs and grow lungs. I bet that if such a transformation did occur, the intermediary species would be quite hindered, having half-grown legs that impeded its ability to swim while not being able to walk yet.
2) At what point did the fish or lizard (that sprouted legs and grew lungs) give birth to a mammal? I bet that really freaked out the mother when she realized there was no way to nurse them. Of course there's no fossil evidence for such an intermediary creature, but imagination can be entertaining.
Please readup on evolution history. Your brains cannot accept changes that takes time and you believe things happen immediately. Maybe your life is too short to believe that others have lived long before you.
If you believe everything is created, please explain WHY every human being is not 100% the same. Why do all humans have a unique set of DNA which contains 50% from both parents if they are created?
Evolution talks about passing on of genes, mutation and changes with each generation.
Besides the childish magic that you are trying to say, you still cannot answer most of the questions others have answered by evolution as well as astronomy thinking that the universe is eternal.
Originally posted by laurence82:you know, for one thing i really believe in darwin's survival of the fittest and i do hope this principle continues, its very hard to live with unintelligent beings and its starting to annoy me
These kids who believe in magic will surely not survive.
He should not waste time in school but whole day just stare at the sky waiting for some angel or god to come down and bring him to heaven.
Originally posted by laurence82:you know, for one thing i really believe in darwin's survival of the fittest and i do hope this principle continues, its very hard to live with unintelligent beings and its starting to annoy me
It has been proven through some DNA findings that all humans came from a female. They named her EVE. Then, some evolutionists, worried that creationism will kick their butts out of the grand scheme went around using the media saying that EVE was some 200 000 year old ape-like creature, and all are based on false assumptions and theories. I love the new integrity of science.=)
Originally posted by Larryteo:
nice pic but doesnt answer the questions
curiously why are you avoiding dkcx's questions?
Originally posted by Larryteo:It has been proven through some DNA findings that all humans came from a female. They named her EVE. Then, some evolutionists, worried that creationism will kick their butts out of the grand scheme went around using the media saying that EVE was some 200 000 year old ape-like creature, and all are based on false assumptions and theories. I love the new integrity of science.=)
Please provide scientific proof of this.
Psychology explains people who live in denial as someone who are at their end of their stage of life. Perhaps you will soon be leaving this world and going to a make believe heaven since only the sick and dying often live in denial of the truth.