Originally posted by Larryteo:It is obviously because of the Sun. If not why is it that those people from places with massive droughts, and in high contact with the Sun have a darker skin? And do, don't compare Singapore's climate to the climate I am referring to.
It can be guaranteed that asking an atheist/evolutionist how evolution actually works will either produce unprovable theories, assumptions, beliefs, or excuses. This is because there is not a scientist on Earth that has been able to prove a single aspect of evolution. They make fun of Christians by claiming they’d answer science questions with “God made it,” but you can make fun of evolutionists because their answer to everything is “it adapted it.” The religion of evolution remains in existence only because many people do not want to believe in God, and this is the best thing atheists can come up with.
Great, you are with us now... we appear as we are because of environment and circumstance. No need to invoke supernatural power here. The darker skin tone helps to protect themselves against the sun and you see darker native people near the equator. Due to human migration, you see all sort of colour of people in society now. Also find out yourself, why your god decided that a particular tribe to be the descendant of god's making? Why people in the far east have no idea what is god and believe there is a god of agriculture, god of kitchen, god of fortune, god of mountain, god of bridge .....
Also, please realise the fact that evolution is a painfully slow process. No human has that long lifespan to see minute changes. No one here is against that you believe in a religion, we just want to point you to look at facts.
Originally posted by dkcx:When you enter uni and study biological science, i will provide you an explaination since you have admitted to not having any knowledge of biology so it would be pointless for me to provide you with any explaination in this area.
Please give egs of your non living matter transforming into living matter.
For your basic understanding, DNA and proteins are not even related and are completely different biomolecules so they don't directly rely on each other. However, for the body to function, everything has a role to play but it would require alot more scientific explaination to do an indepth discussion on this. Do you even know that all amino acids DO contain Oxygen?
That's interesting, could you explain how a single-celled organism turns into a single cell organism? Nobody's ever observed that happening, but evolutionists claim it can happen because they believe in evolution. But why has nobody seen that occur, even with the millions of dollars put into scientific research? I hope you can explain to me, I am very keen to go to evolution :D
???laurence??is that u?
Originally posted by Larryteo:Oh, actually I am very sorry to argue with you about evolution. Maybe I should consider believing in it for once and leaving my faith in God. I have a few questions here, I hope you can answer it.
So, how does non-living matter randomly transfer into living matter? Nobody actually knows what primordial soup is,nobody knows how DNA or protein could form since they rely on each other, and the fact that Amino acids cannot form with oxygen around makes it sound rather impossible. Can you please explain your belief to me so I can understand it?
we are a product mainly making up of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen and plus other elements. Together, these elemental group making up cells. The cells in turns are the building blocks of organs. For example, a neuron in our brain is a simple cells whose job is very simple to pass one pulse to another cell. Collectively, these neuron cells form basic function group such as memory. They are also other function group such as cognitive, behavioral, neuroliguistic, etc. In essence, these body cells are just make up of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen atoms.
On the other hand, the non-living thing you are referring to do not transfer into living thing. Although a stone is mainly carbon, it does not transform into a living thing.
I believe you are trying to ask how does a living thing first arise. This is the origin of life you are trying to find out.
+ First you may want to know that there is some 4 to 5 billion years since the big bang (we can discuss big bang separately);
+ In the long long 4 to 5 billion years in the build up of cosmos and solar system, there is enormous energy for trillion of chemical reaction to take place.
+ there is one chemical reaction that produce the right conditions to produce a very basic primitive cell.
+ evolution took place and natural selection took place. The cell constantly evolves or destroys depending on environment. The cell slowly evolves to the one which can reproduce itself.
+ Reproduction came with an imperfect mutation. The weaker dies while the stronger survives.
+ Gradually, this cell evolve to where we are now after 4-5 billion years of natural selection.
+ You may ask why human has evolved to such an brilliant animal now, why our cousin the chimp is still so backward? Human and chimp share the same ancestor, somewhere 4.5 million years ago, there was a Y-path, the human evolved to where we are now. While, the chimp evolved to where they are now.
I welcome you or anyone to discuss more.
Indeed, so as evolutionists, we believe rocks will morph into fish, fish morph into mammals and lizards morph into birds. Is there any estimate on how long will it be before fish start growing legs, become warm-blooded, and start nursing their young, and why don't we see billions of transitional species even with all the billions of fish around? It seems like we would see at least some evolution taking place somewhere. Also, birds are nothing like lizards, they are warm-blooded, have extraordinary eyesight, and have completely different body structures and traits. What did their transitional species look like, and why can't we find evidence of these?
Originally posted by dkcx:Oh are u sure? Please explain why south africans are also black yet Aust ppl are white when they both share the similar latitutes?
Do you want to say the earth doesn't rotate but purpose let african face the sun all the time so the africans become black?
I need to correct you there. The white Aust people you referring to the the immigrants from Europe. The native Australian are darked skin. Human race starts from Africa and a particular group shifted into australia when the there was dry land bridging bwteen Asia and australia.
The skin colour fades for people living near to the poles, because they do not need much protection from the sun. This change occurred for a duration of 4.5 million years.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Indeed, so as evolutionists, we believe rocks will morph into fish, fish morph into mammals and lizards morph into birds. Is there any estimate on how long will it be before fish start growing legs, become warm-blooded, and start nursing their young, and why don't we see billions of transitional species even with all the billions of fish around? It seems like we would see at least some evolution taking place somewhere. Also, birds are nothing like lizards, they are warm-blooded, have extraordinary eyesight, and have completely different body structures and traits. What did their transitional species look like, and why can't we find evidence of these?
Hi larry,
The farm chicken is a transitional specie. Do you buy this idea ? Why not ?
If you want, do you want to live long enough to see if the wings on the chicken to evolve into smaller wings, and slowly becoming tiny ?
Yes, I wish I can live long enough to see this change. I am sure it will.
===> Truth is chicken belong to the family of bird. It has since taken a path where its wing has gradually lost the power to fly far. Now, it has become domesticated and become farm animal. It is now artificially evolve to bigger size, juicy meat, faster growth by human intervention.
=====> Now, do you convince I have present you a transitional specie ?
How long will it be before monkeys start morphing into monkey-men, and should we be concerned? Is the movie Planet of the Apes accurate?
Originally posted by Larryteo:If evolution did happen, wouldn't humans be able to breed with chimpanzees?
So is your evidence that humans and chimps have a common ancestor is because they share 98% genes with us? But do you know that bananas share 50% of genes with humans? So humans are half banana? D:
And so humans look like chimps, so we came from them? But a snake looks like a worm, so snakes are worms? If there is alot of evidence that evolution did happen, like an animal becoming another animal, why don't I see transitional links, but the evolutionists cover it up with their imagination?
As far as i know no, humans are not able to directly breed with chimpanzees. We have already branch off too much from the common ancestors in order to do it the old fashion way. Cloning might be able to do it but even though i'm not religious i do find it a rather disturbing idea to pursue.
All modern inventions are composed of metals but we don't consider them to be the same thing do we? A train and car may share several similar components but do we consider them to be the same thing?
All Earth based living organisms share the same building materials. Like i said, the wheat consist of 50,000 individual genes while humans have 26,000 genes. So with your logic can we say that humans are 1/2 wheat?
Again, chimps are a different branch off the evolutionary tree. We share the same ancestors as them but we have already branched off away from them. A snake may look like a worm, but they share different digestive/respiratory/locomotive abilities. A chimp on the other hand is extremely close to us.
You keep demanding transitional links but you are unable to define what exactly is considered a transitional link. If we bring up a fossil you would then insist that there are now 2 transitional links that we must find for you.
Why should we be on the defensive all the time? Why don't you give us a theory that would fit better than evolution? Along with the supporting evidence.
Originally posted by Larryteo:How long will it be before monkeys start morphing into monkey-men, and should we be concerned? Is the movie Planet of the Apes accurate?
I do not like to use the word 'morphing', it is a hollywood word. I like to use 'evolving'.
Leaving the situation as it is, the monkey will evolve to even clever and less agile animal. It will take thousands and thousands of years to evolve to human like, if human allow this to happen.
Why ? Take for instance the monkey population in bukit timah. Over the past 20 years, do you see the aggressive worsen in these monkeys. They are now clever to open rubbish bin cover to look for food. They are less inclined to look for natural food, but to invade into nearby homes for food. Hence, as they reproduce offsprings who will carry out their habit, their offspring is going to be cleverer than their parents. Further, their agile skill will suffer since they do not need to develop this skill further for survival.
Planet of the Apes could be semi-accurate if human let this animal to develop in intelligence. Have you watch a clever apes who know how to answer questions through computer test? They are getting cleverer each generation with human training. If they are well taken care of by human's captivity , they are unlikely to progress since they food and habitat are well taken care of. The environment is a crucial factor in evolution.
Originally posted by Larryteo:That's interesting, could you explain how a single-celled organism turns into a single cell organism? Nobody's ever observed that happening, but evolutionists claim it can happen because they believe in evolution. But why has nobody seen that occur, even with the millions of dollars put into scientific research? I hope you can explain to me, I am very keen to go to evolution :D
I think you made a typo, i think you're trying to say how a single celled organism turned into a multi cell organism?
Slime moulds would be the example you are looking for, and it has been observed before.
On what basis do you say nobody has seen this occur?
Originally posted by Larryteo:How long will it be before monkeys start morphing into monkey-men, and should we be concerned? Is the movie Planet of the Apes accurate?
Planet of Apes depict a scenario where humans degenerate into primitives while apes developed higher intelligence and became civilized.
The monkeys in the movie did not morph from humans.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Indeed, so as evolutionists, we believe rocks will morph into fish, fish morph into mammals and lizards morph into birds. Is there any estimate on how long will it be before fish start growing legs, become warm-blooded, and start nursing their young, and why don't we see billions of transitional species even with all the billions of fish around? It seems like we would see at least some evolution taking place somewhere. Also, birds are nothing like lizards, they are warm-blooded, have extraordinary eyesight, and have completely different body structures and traits. What did their transitional species look like, and why can't we find evidence of these?
Rocks were never a living thing to begin with, so they cannot be considered in evolution.
And i think you got the order slightly wrong, it's fish to lizard, then to mammals.Fish did not directly evolved into mammals. There may be some exceptions to the rule but as a general rule fish did not directly evolved to mammals.
There are millions of transitional forms, but if we bring out one example you're going to ask us instead for 2 transitional forms. Don't deny it.
You have already linked the example of a transition form between lizards and birds, you just haven't read your article carefully before you cut and paste it.
Wow, I can't wait to have a female chimp as my wife!
Nobody designed this website. Many years ago, a computational anomaly caused binary code to form randomly through natural processes. Then, the purposeless binary code randomly generated a simple, single-paged web site. Over time, accidental/random mutations in the binary code increased the complexity of the web site, and combined with natural selection pressures and long periods of time, the website evolved into it’s present state.
Originally posted by Larryteo:Wow, I can't wait to have a female chimp as my wife!
may i know for wad purposes?
Originally posted by Larryteo:Nobody designed this website. Many years ago, a computational anomaly caused binary code to form randomly through natural processes. Then, the purposeless binary code randomly generated a simple, single-paged web site. Over time, accidental/random mutations in the binary code increased the complexity of the web site, and combined with natural selection pressures and long periods of time, the website evolved into it’s present state.
Would u like to check with the website owner whether this website is the product of science or creationism?
And whether this website looks like this from day 1, or it's a product of adaptation (evolutionary / survival of the fittest)?
Originally posted by Stevenson101:As far as i know no, humans are not able to directly breed with chimpanzees. We have already branch off too much from the common ancestors in order to do it the old fashion way. Cloning might be able to do it but even though i'm not religious i do find it a rather disturbing idea to pursue.
All modern inventions are composed of metals but we don't consider them to be the same thing do we? A train and car may share several similar components but do we consider them to be the same thing?
All Earth based living organisms share the same building materials. Like i said, the wheat consist of 50,000 individual genes while humans have 26,000 genes. So with your logic can we say that humans are 1/2 wheat?
Again, chimps are a different branch off the evolutionary tree. We share the same ancestors as them but we have already branched off away from them. A snake may look like a worm, but they share different digestive/respiratory/locomotive abilities. A chimp on the other hand is extremely close to us.
You keep demanding transitional links but you are unable to define what exactly is considered a transitional link. If we bring up a fossil you would then insist that there are now 2 transitional links that we must find for you.
Why should we be on the defensive all the time? Why don't you give us a theory that would fit better than evolution? Along with the supporting evidence.
As far as evolutionists are concerned, humans and chimps may have mated, creating hybrids( in an NG article dated 17May2006).
"Are we the hybrids, or are chimps the hybrids—or are we both the hybrids?"
Mr. hybrid religion?
Originally posted by googoomuck:As far as evolutionists are concerned, humans and chimps may have mated, creating hybrids( in an NG article dated 17May2006).
"Are we the hybrids, or are chimps the hybrids—or are we both the hybrids?"
Mr. hybrid religion?
we are stupid animals. when we die, our bodies become fertillizers and that's it. Also, googoo, since we are animals i think we should not help the weak since it is only when they are exterminated that humans can evolve into a stronger better species. I look forward to the next hitler.We will become the best animals of the universe! I suggest the weaker race being bred as human cattle also. Isnt that true?
Originally posted by laffin123:dkcx,
I need to correct you there. The white Aust people you referring to the the immigrants from Europe. The native Australian are darked skin. Human race starts from Africa and a particular group shifted into australia when the there was dry land bridging bwteen Asia and australia.
The skin colour fades for people living near to the poles, because they do not need much protection from the sun. This change occurred for a duration of 4.5 million years.
I'm just basing on his theory that its the sun that causes skin colour. We know it doesn't take you thousand of years to change your skin colour when a few days exposure to the sun will already darken the skin. Considering all the white Aust still remains white after living there for so many years go against his 'theory'
Originally posted by Larryteo:Indeed, so as evolutionists, we believe rocks will morph into fish, fish morph into mammals and lizards morph into birds. Is there any estimate on how long will it be before fish start growing legs, become warm-blooded, and start nursing their young, and why don't we see billions of transitional species even with all the billions of fish around? It seems like we would see at least some evolution taking place somewhere. Also, birds are nothing like lizards, they are warm-blooded, have extraordinary eyesight, and have completely different body structures and traits. What did their transitional species look like, and why can't we find evidence of these?
How do you know a species is a transactional or not? Maybe a few million years in the future, people will say human being nows are transational species from apes to a much more superior life form in future.
Nothing you see now is final, all species are reproducing and with each generation, there is slowly very slight genetic changes and cause people to 'evolve' as we go. There is no end to evolution, there is no final ending point or a final evolve form. Everything will continue to evolve as long as it doesn't become extinct.
Originally posted by googoomuck:As far as evolutionists are concerned, humans and chimps may have mated, creating hybrids( in an NG article dated 17May2006).
"Are we the hybrids, or are chimps the hybrids—or are we both the hybrids?"
Mr. hybrid religion?
Now, you did not provide the link to the exact article, the May 17 issue of National Geographic has many articles so i'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume that
is the article you're referring to. Please give me the correct link if i'm wrong.
Dogs are considered to be a different species from wolves but they are still capable of interbreeding and producing fertile hybrids.
Note that the article also say that it is very likely that the hybrids are also unlikely to reproduce thus it was doubtful that they would have played any long term role in our evolutionary history.
So it is hardly news that the early divergents from our common ancestors could still breed with each other. The point however, is that humans now are no longer capable of breeding naturally with chimps so it's not wrong for me to say that we are now progressing on a different evolutionary path from chimps.
I believe this is the point you're trying to drive here?
Originally posted by Larryteo:we are stupid animals. when we die, our bodies become fertillizers and that's it. Also, googoo, since we are animals i think we should not help the weak since it is only when they are exterminated that humans can evolve into a stronger better species. I look forward to the next hitler.We will become the best animals of the universe! I suggest the weaker race being bred as human cattle also. Isnt that true?
Since you are so resistent to science, maybe you are the type we should breed as cattle and we could feed you to those tribal people that still eats humans. Without people like you, science will better be able to progress without all these obstructions.
Please go look at all the major news on cloning, DNA replication, modification etc and you noticed that 1 of the major group of people are those from the church and all they will say it goes against god to create life etc but in another way, its as good as saying they are afraid people will uncover the how life evolves, mutates and changes which ultimately results in their beliefs being totally ruin and disproved.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Now, you did not provide the link to the exact article, the May 17 issue of National Geographic has many articles so i'm just going to go out on a limb here and assume that
is the article you're referring to. Please give me the correct link if i'm wrong.
Dogs are considered to be a different species from wolves but they are still capable of interbreeding and producing fertile hybrids.
Note that the article also say that it is very likely that hybrids are also unlikely to reproduce thus it was doubtful that they would have played any long term role in our evolutionary history.
So it is hardly news that the early divergents from our common ancestors could still breed with each other. The point however, is that humans now are no longer capable of breeding naturally with chimps so it's not wrong for me to say that we are now progressing on a different evolutionary path from chimps.
I believe this is the point you're trying to drive here?
If i am not wrong, i believe there are species that have interbreed and can continue to breed on which results in a sort of new species evolving. I don't remember whether science had a hand in helping to achieve such reproduction but i do remember reading about it before that such are possible which could explain why a single family of animals can have so many different sub species as over thousands of years, interbreeding has occured and they start having enough numbers to form a new species of their own.
Originally posted by dkcx:I'm just basing on his theory that its the sun that causes skin colour. We know it doesn't take you thousand of years to change your skin colour when a few days exposure to the sun will already darken the skin. Considering all the white Aust still remains white after living there for so many years go against his 'theory'
Actually i would like to offer a different theory.
Caucasians are known to have a higher rate of having skin cancer compared to other ethnicity and their skin is a lot dryer.This is because they produce less melanin (pigment), which provides necessary protection against UV radiation
It could just be in the early history of Man in the hot and exposed plains of Africa and Australia, anyone born with white skin are more proned to die earlier and generally have a great disadvantage in being able to breed and pass down the genes.