Originally posted by despondent:sigh...forget it...i guess we are of diff flow to begin wif...like i said b4, wads convincing evidence to me may not be for someone else...
Yeah i guess, however what evidence is there to support jesus being a god?
u will need the bible for tat...but if u dun believe in the bible...then no evidence unless u were one of those who witnessed his miracles and saw him resurrected from the dead...
Originally posted by despondent:u will need the bible for tat...but if u dun believe in the bible...then no evidence unless u were one of those who witnessed his miracles and saw him resurrected from the dead...
The authors of the 4 gospels are said to have written the gospels from 60-110 BC, at least 3 decades from the death of jesus and this refers to Mark. Why would the gospels appear only 3 decades later? It is equally likely that it is a perpetuated myth, especially since the jesus story is highly simillar to parts of pagan mythology
in the first testament, god was portrayed as petty, vicious, capriciousness, always angry etc
second testament god was portrayed all all merciful, kind, compassionate etc.
clearly it was written by authors of a different era, so bible was in fact written by men.
another paradox I have observed is that how could god have the characteristics of humans, like anger, compassionate, petty etc. since god is a divine being, it shouldnt have the characteristics of a humans, since god is never a human. it should have characteristics befitting of a divine being isnt it.
excuse me, the bible said God breathed life into man..so man will take after God except tat the Fall of man has made us so corrupted tat we lost most of the resemblance...but if u notice, humans have the ability to create/invent things...we tink, rationalise and feel...however, due to the Fall, wadever ability we have, though still present in us has become corrupted...
by asking this qn, it shows u havent even read Genesis, the 1st book of the bible...
u sure u got ur facts rite? the disciples who wrote the gospels wrote them based on their experience wif jesus...jesus lived from 0 AD to 33 AD...moreover, the disciples lived during tat period too...is ur source reliable?
Originally posted by despondent:excuse me, the bible said God breathed life into man..so man will take after God except tat the Fall of man has made us so corrupted tat we lost most of the resemblance...but if u notice, humans have the ability to create/invent things...we tink, rationalise and feel...however, due to the Fall, wadever ability we have, though still present in us has become corrupted...
by asking this qn, it shows u havent even read Genesis, the 1st book of the bible...
you said man will take after god. sorry to say that i think we are not so cruel as to condemn anybody who goes against us to go to hell as we know hell is very suffering.
tats ur opinion and like i said, our preconceived mindset is diff cos i come from a creationist pt of view wif the bible as my basis...butr u dun...so it will end up apple orange argument again...
however, u are definitely not rite to say tat man isnt so cruel to do evil things...there are so much evil ard cos by man...the onli thing tat is debatable is y God dun stop us...its not an issue of man dun do evil...let me ask u...do man believe killing is wrong? if yes, then why does he still do it?
and ur reply again shows another eg of either not having read the bible or u dunno the fundamental teachings of christianity...yes, u r rite...u r not ready for religion...cheers
one more thing, are u sure every human being believe tat hell is very suffering? or are u suing urself and a few ppl ard u to represent everyone human on earth?
thats funny. why should non believers read the bible or believe in god stuff when they dun believe there is a god or that god existed.whether god exists or not, we will grow old one day, fall sick, need to work to survive etc.
then y r we engaging in discussions when it will be apple orange argument since our preconceived mindset and starting pt are totally diff?
one more thing, there are non-christians who actually dun believe in god who did bother to read the bible...so again, are u toking abt juz urself and a few others or every no-god believers?
also use your brain, how can I speak of or represent the others non believers. even if you are from the same religion, opinions differ. I dunno why are you so uptight about reading bible.
like this am I supposed to read Koran, Hindu's holybook or Bhagavad Gita Vedas or Taoism Tao Te Ching in order to know what they? then have you read all these mentioned?
i admit i havent read all of them but i have read and researched on buddhism...i am no guru in buddhism but i do have some basic knowledge...i have spoken and discussed islam wif muslims wif an open mind, being objective...i have read up on taoism and hinduism...again, i stress tat i am no guru but i at least noe abit of most major religions...have u?
cos its the studying of the bible tat gives u the fundamental teachings of christianity...n of cuz u need the help of professionals who have academic knowledge of the bible...its the same for other religions...u can either read their scriptures or have an open and objective discussion wif them...
Originally posted by despondent:tats ur opinion and like i said, our preconceived mindset is diff cos i come from a creationist pt of view wif the bible as my basis...butr u dun...so it will end up apple orange argument again...
however, u are definitely not rite to say tat man isnt so cruel to do evil things...there are so much evil ard cos by man...the onli thing tat is debatable is y God dun stop us...its not an issue of man dun do evil...let me ask u...do man believe killing is wrong? if yes, then why does he still do it?
so man is evil because we take after god who is also evil. but there are many buddhists who vow no killing and vegetarian. this shows that man can be better than god.
if what you say is correct, man is evil because we take after god. then why submit yourself to an evil god. i don't know why you want to portray your god as an evil god, just to show why god has human characters ? or because you have no explanation for why god has human characters ?
like i said, u say all these cos u dunno the fundamental teachings of christianity...i have alredi posted a reply on this when rooney9 made a similar post...so i am not going to repeat myself...
Originally posted by despondent:u sure u got ur facts rite? the disciples who wrote the gospels wrote them based on their experience wif jesus...jesus lived from 0 AD to 33 AD...moreover, the disciples lived during tat period too...is ur source reliable?
Yes, it is a view held by many scholars, thus the basis for the distrust in the accuracy of the bible, and whether or not the disciples were who they claimed they were. The writers of the 4 gospels, only 2 claimed to be disciples. Another point of contention is the claim of the masscre of the infants by herod, only mentioned in one gospel and mentioned no where else in any historical text. Questionable? You may google these issues and find out
so the bible was written by men after all. seems to be selective omitting of some details that were unfavourable.
Originally posted by Rooney9:so the bible was written by men after all. seems to be selective omitting of some details that were unfavourable.
Another area of contention. The selection of which passages to be taken literally and which are not to be. The passages that should be taken literally in the past may be symbolic now, who decides? By what criteria does the priest/pastor decide? For example if the bible says something, like black is white, when proven wrong the religious would just say the bible meant white when it said black. A book such as the bible can be spun into all sorts of things when depending on what people choose to think.
Originally posted by dadeadman1337:Another area of contention. The selection of which passages to be taken literally and which are not to be. The passages that should be taken literally in the past may be symbolic now, who decides? By what criteria does the priest/pastor decide? For example if the bible says something, like black is white, when proven wrong the religious would just say the bible meant white when it said black. A book such as the bible can be spun into all sorts of things when depending on what people choose to think.
wow, profound! but you seem to see the pic and problem of the bible.
Good for you. hahaha! I have given up on the bible.
Originally posted by Rooney9:so the bible was written by men after all. seems to be selective omitting of some details that were unfavourable.
Yes to what you said after I read that they exclude one book in the bible.
When i was a christian I was taught that the bible is complete
Has anyone actually heard a sermon where the priest/pastor reads out a passage from the old testament telling people to kill the person who tells you to convert to other religions? Or the other nasty passages of human sacrifice, male superiority? If not, one must ask why they choose to conceal the parts that do not aid their cause in drawing in more people. Hiding the nasty parts in a whitewash of religious text
Book of Judges. Was it condoned ? All we know NOW is that Jesus came to prevent this kind of thing from happening. The misconceptions.
So please dont just quote a small little passage without knowing the full. Like so many others.
u can do better then that, dadeadman1337