This is serious discussion no Spam Plox.
Anyone can come out with a real indication of the percentage of ' Actual Christians in Singapore'
Wow where did all those Christians went to
shall wait for M&P to come in
I would like to hear his / her Answer..
I hope I dont make him QQ
that's a question only God can answer, isn't it?
Your purpose for this "serious discussion" ?
Originally posted by Happyinfo2:Your purpose for this "serious discussion" ?
Just a discussion. You have a problem ?
Originally posted by Hamsterbaby:
Just a discussion. You have a problem ?
No problems at all but just did not understand what this "serious discussion" is about....discuss what? And for what purpose?
Originally posted by Happyinfo2:No problems at all but just did not understand what this "serious discussion" is about....discuss what? And for what purpose?
Discussing on the topic of how many " Non Douchebag Chrisitans who actually believe in what they are talking about and not just ass wipes trying to pretend to be one.
looking at ur post count + wud u just said, its hard to believe dis is a serious discussion n not some troll again
Originally posted by »¤ Liquified ¤« ...:looking at ur post count + wud u just said, its hard to believe dis is a serious discussion n not some troll again
Don't assume, rando , you are still nooby when it comes to forum postings.
Dont assume that your E- Penis is larger than mine.
As a matter of fact I think mine dwarf yours IRL and E
I only know there are real Christians in America but not in Singapore.Singapore gives me the impression that all the real stuffs cannot be found here.
Originally posted by gila24:I only know there are real Christians in America but not in Singapore.Singapore gives me the impression that all the real stuffs cannot be found here.
Ehhhh Nope thats Bs, because alot of those Mega Churches in Singapore are started by "Americans" Which means alot of Douchebags
One can live according to the ten commandments and shout to the world that he is a christian and at the same time failing to show any fruits of the spirit : Love, joy, peace, kindness, patience, gentleness, self control.
One can attend hundreds of church services, sing thousands of worship songs and own millions of devotion books and yet fail to understand the principles of Christ death
However, what i view as a true christian is somone knows that they are saved by mercy, and blessed by grace. Have the (developing)fruits of the spirit as well as spiritual maturity. Simply by loving the people around him as himself ans as how God has loved him.(Love your neighbour as yourself - Leviticus 19:18; Love one another as I have loved you - John 13:34)
There are several types of christians in the world out there, those who identify themselves by tell others and those who simply live, obeying whatever the Holy Spirit instructs them with.