Originally posted by thetruth26:once again you christians have not failed to amuse me with your ignorance again.all you can do is lie..
People used to have very short life-spans in Arabia. They used to live between 40 to 60 years maximum. So it was only normal and natural for girls to be married off at ages 9 or 10 or similar.if you study history you will also know that 1400 years ago people reached puberty and matured much faster.
Marriage for young girls was widely practiced among Arabs back then, and even today in many third-world non-Muslim and Muslim countries
Aisha was already engaged to a non Muslim man named Jober Ibn Al-Moteam Ibn Oday. Back then, the people of Mecca did not object to Aisha's engagement to Jober because she was physically big enough and tall enough to be considered for marriage. Her parents saw that and they engaged her to Jober.The only reason why Aisha's father, Abu Baker Al Siddeek, broke her engagement with Jober is because he was a non-Muslim.
Not even the Pagans of Mecca, nor the Jews and Christians of Medina ever objected to it or used it as a point against Islam as anti-Islamic do today.
Firstly - if indeed the marriage of Lady Aisha was something which was despicable even at that time and in that culture, this fact would never have been recorded for posterity and all efforts to conceal or cloud it would have been undertaken.
But the fact that this hadith had reached us after it was recorded centuries ago and to all the Muslim generations in between proved that the marriage was culturally and morally acceptable and the fact is also that the Muslim community at that time remained unshakened in its faith in his Prophethood and the message which he had brought bear testimony to this assertion.
Secondly - we have to look at the life of Lady Aisha afterwards. She was without doubt one of the foremost scholars of Islam. It is even said that she had attained in her lifetime the position of Mufti - someone capable of giving religious rulings - a position very few Muslims will ever occupy.
She was seeked by many, both men and women, who hungered for knowledge and they came to her from all directions, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria. History does not know of any woman who was approached by so many for such a noble purpose.
If indeed she had became a victim of sexual abuse she would in most probability be devastated emotionally, psychologically, mentally and perhaps even physically but the achievements she had made in her life after the death of the Prophet proved that she was a woman who was in complete control of her faculties, becoming one of the intellectual giants of Islam.
According to the Priest of Saint Mary's Catholic Church: "Mary was approximately 14 years old when she got pregnant with Jesus. Joseph, Mary's Husband is believed to be around 36. Mary was only 13 when she married Joseph. When she first was arranged with Joseph she was between 7 to 9 years old."
According to the "Oxford Dictionary Bible" commentary, Mary (peace be upon her) was was 12 years old when she became impregnated.
And where did you get the thing that apostates must be killed in islam?the quran clearly states that "Let there be no compulsion in religion"[Sûrah al-Baqarah: 256]
When you want to eat do you go to the pet store to buy food?no u dont you go the market or foodcourt.Christians keep lying about islam, creating fake websites fake videos of lies that are so easily exposed. why? because when people are feeling insecure about something they always spread lies to try to mislead people about it.
Do they not consider (ponder over) the Quran (with care)? Had it been from other than God, they would surely have found therein discrepancies”. (4:82)
Many people have tried to find "contradictions" or "errors" in the quran but their lies have been exposed and refuted so easily.
God has also challenged humanity to produce a sura that can be confused for the real sura of the holy quran. But for 1400 years mankind has not been able to do so and they will never be able to do so.
Hmmm..have you found any REAL PROOF that any Muslim leaders were paedophilles?NONE..There are no muslim leaders that are paedophillies.
i suggest u learn about islam from REAL RELEVANT MUSLIM sources and see the 2 links below.
Who is lying, thetruth26 or al-Bukhari?
Sahih Bukhari Vol 8:73"151 :
Narrated 'Aisha: I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah's Apostle used to enter they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me. (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for 'Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)
Originally posted by thetruth26:wah the fact that googoomuck said "veriable facts" really gave me a good laugh..He has been so brainwashed by his church.
The verse below is enough to refute and exposed the lies of the "who is allah" comic.
And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to God Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. (Qur'an 41:37)
The arabic word "Allah" just Means The God. In the arabic bible you will find the word "Allah" many times. HHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAA.
How is a verse enough to refute and expose the lies?
How does the Quran define "Allah"?
Originally posted by thetruth26:wah the fact that googoomuck said "veriable facts" really gave me a good laugh..He has been so brainwashed by his church.
The verse below is enough to refute and exposed the lies of the "who is allah" comic.
And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to God Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. (Qur'an 41:37)
The arabic word "Allah" just Means The God. In the arabic bible you will find the word "Allah" many times. HHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAA.
Close to midnight. No response?
The arabic word for god is 'ila'.
What arabic bible? Christians never called their god 'Allah'!
HAHHAHAHAHHA clearly u didnt read my previous post. Clearly you did not read my links as well.At least read it before you reply so you wont make yourself look stupid right?
Now in regards to the various hadiths ([1][2][3][4]) that anti-Islamic apologists have employed in an attempt to prove that 'Aishah - radi Allahu 'anha - was still a young girl who was playing with dolls at the time of her marriage. Well unfortunately for them, they've jumped to some hasty conclusions since none of these hadiths ([1][2][3][4]) explicitly indicate whether the marriage had been consummated at this time. Rather, one could just as easily conclude - that the incidents in which 'Aishah - radi Allahu 'anha - was playing with dolls along with her young friends occurred at a time when she was still living with her parents (i.e. after the betrothal and prior to the consummation). Actually, based on the fact that the Prophet - salla Allahu 'alayhi wa salam - was known to regularly visit 'Aishah's father Abu Bakr - radi Allahu 'anhu, these events could have taken place anytime during 'Aishah's childhood - radi Allahu 'anha.
All your lies are exposed and refuted here
Prophet's (pbuh) Marriage to Aisha (ra) - Dr. Ali Shehata
p.s. the only reason i didnt reply sooner was because i didnt see it. The reason i didnt see it because im nt on this page 24/7 because i have a life.
hmmmm another thing is mention really made me LOL.
And from among His Signs are the night and the day, and the sun and the moon. Prostrate not to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate to God Who created them, if you (really) worship Him. (Qur'an 41:37)
you(googoomuck) said
"What arabic bible? Christians never called their god 'Allah'!"
hey ignorant christian i really cant stop laughing right now dont you know that there are arab christians and there is arabic bible?
The arabic word for God is "lah" ."Al" is the arabic word for "the". So "Allah" is "The God".
Qu'ran 1:1 - English translation]
"In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful."
[Qur'ân 1:1 - Arabic transliteration]
"Bismi-Allahi ar-Rahmani, ar-Raheem"
[Qur'ân 1:1 - Arabic]
[John 3:16 - English Bible - King James Version]
"For God so loved the world, that . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration]
"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]
[John 3:16 - English Bible - King James Version]
"For God so loved the world,
that . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration]
"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba
Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]
hey pls read my links and my whole posts before you reply or u will just make urself look stupid. Read the links in my previous posts as well.Tsktsk.
Bukhari 52:260 -"...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "
Bukhari 83:37 - "Allah's Apostle never killed anyone except in one of the following three situations: (1) A person who killed somebody unjustly, was killed (in Qisas,) (2) a married person who committed illegal sexual intercourse and (3) a man who fought against Allah and His Apostle and deserted Islam and became an apostate."
Bukhari 89:271 - A man who embraces Islam, then reverts to Judaism is to be killed according to "the verdict of Allah and his apostle
First, this hadith is considered a weak hadith with just a single isnad (this means there is only one chain of transmission or narration) and thus according to the rules of Islamic jurisprudence, it is not enough to validate the death penalty.
Second, this hadith is also considered a general ('amm) hadith in that it is in need of specification (takhsis); for it would otherwise convey a meaning that is not within its purpose. The obvious reading of the hadith would, for example, make liable the death punishment on a Hindu or Christian who converts to Islam. This is obviously not the intention of the hadith. According to the rules of Islamic jurisprudence, when a text is interpreted once, it becomes open to further interpretation and specification. Therefore, many scholars interpret this hadith to apply only to cases of high treason (hirabah), which means declaring war against Islam, the Prophet, or God or the legitimate leadership of the ummah.
Third, and most importantly, there is no evidence to show that Prophet Muhammad saw or his Companions ever compelled anyone to embrace Islam, nor did they sentence anyone to death solely for renunciation of the faith.
Based on these three reasons and the Qur'anic principle of freedom of religion, prominent ulama (scholars) from the seventh to the twentieth centuries have come out with the position that there can be no death penalty for apostasy. According to Professor Hashim Kamali in his award-winning book, Freedom of Expression in Islam, two leading jurists of the generation succeeding the Companions, Ibrahim al-Naka'I and Sufyan al-Thawri, both held that the apostate should be re-invited to Islam, but should never be condemned to death. The renowned Hanafi jurist, Shams al-Din al-Sarakhsi wrote that even though renunciation of faith is the greatest of offences, it is a matter between man and his Creator, and its punishment is postponed to the Day of Judgement. The Maliki jurist Abul Walid al-Baji and the renowned Hanbali jurist Ibn Taymiyyah have both held that apostasy is a sin which carries no hadd punishment.
In modern times, the celebrated Sheikh of al-Azhar University, the late Mahmud Shaltut who was esteemed for his vast knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence and Qur'anic interpretation, wrote that many ulama are in agreement that hudud cannot be established by a solitary hadith and that unbelief by itself does not call for the death penalty. The current Sheikh of al-Azhar, who was Egypt's former Grand Mufti, Dr Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, also declared that apostasy is not a capital crime.
Many scholars, including Ibn Taymiyyah, Shaltut and Tantawi, said that the death penalty was not meant to apply to a simple change of faith, but to hirabah, that is, when apostasy is accompanied by rebellion against the community and its legitimate leadership.
Again ur lies exposed and refuted here
Again pls read my WHOLE post and the LINKS. hmmm googoomuck from ur previous posts and all i can deduce that you r a crazy brainwashed guy.LOL.
Originally posted by thetruth26:HAHHAHAHAHHA clearly u didnt read my previous post. Clearly you did not read my links as well.At least read it before you reply so you wont make yourself look stupid right?
Now in regards to the various hadiths ([1][2][3][4]) that anti-Islamic apologists have employed in an attempt to prove that 'Aishah - radi Allahu 'anha - was still a young girl who was playing with dolls at the time of her marriage. Well unfortunately for them, they've jumped to some hasty conclusions since none of these hadiths ([1][2][3][4]) explicitly indicate whether the marriage had been consummated at this time. Rather, one could just as easily conclude - that the incidents in which 'Aishah - radi Allahu 'anha - was playing with dolls along with her young friends occurred at a time when she was still living with her parents (i.e. after the betrothal and prior to the consummation). Actually, based on the fact that the Prophet - salla Allahu 'alayhi wa salam - was known to regularly visit 'Aishah's father Abu Bakr - radi Allahu 'anhu, these events could have taken place anytime during 'Aishah's childhood - radi Allahu 'anha.
All your lies are exposed and refuted here
Prophet's (pbuh) Marriage to Aisha (ra) - Dr. Ali Shehata
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYpH3QL0i9wp.s. the only reason i didnt reply sooner was because i didnt see it. The reason i didnt see it because im nt on this page 24/7 because i have a life.
You are calling Bukhari a liar!
I did not lie.
Originally posted by thetruth26:hmmmm another thing is mention really made me LOL.
you(googoomuck) said
"What arabic bible? Christians never called their god 'Allah'!"
hey ignorant christian i really cant stop laughing right now dont you know that there are arab christians and there is arabic bible?
The arabic word for God is "lah" ."Al" is the arabic word for "the". So "Allah" is "The God".
Qu'ran 1:1 - English translation]
"In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful."
[Qur'ân 1:1 - Arabic transliteration]
"Bismi-Allahi ar-Rahmani, ar-Raheem"
[Qur'ân 1:1 - Arabic]
[John 3:16 - English Bible - King James Version]
"For God so loved the world, that . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration]
"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]
Ttranslate word by word :'La Ilaha Ila Allah' means 'no other God than God Allah'.
In arabic, ilah means god and Allah is the name of the god.
Any Arabic speaker here who will say that this is wrong?
Originally posted by thetruth26:Bukhari 52:260 -"...The Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.' "
Bukhari 83:37 - "Allah's Apostle never killed anyone except in one of the following three situations: (1) A person who killed somebody unjustly, was killed (in Qisas,) (2) a married person who committed illegal sexual intercourse and (3) a man who fought against Allah and His Apostle and deserted Islam and became an apostate."
Bukhari 89:271 - A man who embraces Islam, then reverts to Judaism is to be killed according to "the verdict of Allah and his apostle
First, this hadith is considered a weak hadith with just a single isnad (this means there is only one chain of transmission or narration) and thus according to the rules of Islamic jurisprudence, it is not enough to validate the death penalty.
Second, this hadith is also considered a general ('amm) hadith in that it is in need of specification (takhsis); for it would otherwise convey a meaning that is not within its purpose. The obvious reading of the hadith would, for example, make liable the death punishment on a Hindu or Christian who converts to Islam. This is obviously not the intention of the hadith. According to the rules of Islamic jurisprudence, when a text is interpreted once, it becomes open to further interpretation and specification. Therefore, many scholars interpret this hadith to apply only to cases of high treason (hirabah), which means declaring war against Islam, the Prophet, or God or the legitimate leadership of the ummah.
Third, and most importantly, there is no evidence to show that Prophet Muhammad saw or his Companions ever compelled anyone to embrace Islam, nor did they sentence anyone to death solely for renunciation of the faith.
Based on these three reasons and the Qur'anic principle of freedom of religion, prominent ulama (scholars) from the seventh to the twentieth centuries have come out with the position that there can be no death penalty for apostasy. According to Professor Hashim Kamali in his award-winning book, Freedom of Expression in Islam, two leading jurists of the generation succeeding the Companions, Ibrahim al-Naka'I and Sufyan al-Thawri, both held that the apostate should be re-invited to Islam, but should never be condemned to death. The renowned Hanafi jurist, Shams al-Din al-Sarakhsi wrote that even though renunciation of faith is the greatest of offences, it is a matter between man and his Creator, and its punishment is postponed to the Day of Judgement. The Maliki jurist Abul Walid al-Baji and the renowned Hanbali jurist Ibn Taymiyyah have both held that apostasy is a sin which carries no hadd punishment.
In modern times, the celebrated Sheikh of al-Azhar University, the late Mahmud Shaltut who was esteemed for his vast knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence and Qur'anic interpretation, wrote that many ulama are in agreement that hudud cannot be established by a solitary hadith and that unbelief by itself does not call for the death penalty. The current Sheikh of al-Azhar, who was Egypt's former Grand Mufti, Dr Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, also declared that apostasy is not a capital crime.
Many scholars, including Ibn Taymiyyah, Shaltut and Tantawi, said that the death penalty was not meant to apply to a simple change of faith, but to hirabah, that is, when apostasy is accompanied by rebellion against the community and its legitimate leadership.
Again ur lies exposed and refuted here
Why are you saying that it's my lies?
The sunnis regard Bukhari's hadith compilations as the most authenthic and most authoritative book after the quran.
You have a problem with that?
Originally posted by thetruth26:hmmmm another thing is mention really made me LOL.
you(googoomuck) said
"What arabic bible? Christians never called their god 'Allah'!"
hey ignorant christian i really cant stop laughing right now dont you know that there are arab christians and there is arabic bible?
The arabic word for God is "lah" ."Al" is the arabic word for "the". So "Allah" is "The God".
Qu'ran 1:1 - English translation]
"In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful."
[Qur'ân 1:1 - Arabic transliteration]
"Bismi-Allahi ar-Rahmani, ar-Raheem"
[Qur'ân 1:1 - Arabic]
[John 3:16 - English Bible - King James Version]
"For God so loved the world, that . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic transliteration]
"Li-annhu haakadha ahabba Allahu al-'Aalama hataa badhala . . . "
[John 3:16 - Arabic Bible]
In Arabic, god is ilah. I have to repeat so that it gets into your head.
Christians never call their Christian god by the name of Allah. Perhaps the muslim arabs do.
Don't try to convince people that muslims worship the same god.
Christians do not worship the same god as the muslims since muslims don't believe in trinity.
Allah the moon god already existed long before islam was invented. You know what the name Abdullah means, don't you?
Abdullah means the servant of Allah!
Originally posted by thetruth26:HAHHAHAHAHHA clearly u didnt read my previous post. Clearly you did not read my links as well.At least read it before you reply so you wont make yourself look stupid right?
Now in regards to the various hadiths ([1][2][3][4]) that anti-Islamic apologists have employed in an attempt to prove that 'Aishah - radi Allahu 'anha - was still a young girl who was playing with dolls at the time of her marriage. Well unfortunately for them, they've jumped to some hasty conclusions since none of these hadiths ([1][2][3][4]) explicitly indicate whether the marriage had been consummated at this time. Rather, one could just as easily conclude - that the incidents in which 'Aishah - radi Allahu 'anha - was playing with dolls along with her young friends occurred at a time when she was still living with her parents (i.e. after the betrothal and prior to the consummation). Actually, based on the fact that the Prophet - salla Allahu 'alayhi wa salam - was known to regularly visit 'Aishah's father Abu Bakr - radi Allahu 'anhu, these events could have taken place anytime during 'Aishah's childhood - radi Allahu 'anha.
All your lies are exposed and refuted here
Prophet's (pbuh) Marriage to Aisha (ra) - Dr. Ali Shehata
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYpH3QL0i9wp.s. the only reason i didnt reply sooner was because i didnt see it. The reason i didnt see it because im nt on this page 24/7 because i have a life.
Save your breath.
A Saudi marriage officiant Dr. Ahmad Al-Mubi has said that Muhammad is the model that they follow. It is even allowed to marry off a girl at one-year old, if sex is postponed.
You can argue with him for all I care.
I believe him, not you.
Here's the confirmation that Aisha was pre-pubescent when Muhammad fucked her:
Sahih Muslim book 8, number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.
Originally posted by googoomuck:Save your breath.
A Saudi marriage officiant Dr. Ahmad Al-Mubi has said that Muhammad is the model that they follow. It is even allowed to marry off a girl at one-year old, if sex is postponed.
You can argue with him for all I care.
I believe him, not you.
Here's the confirmation that Aisha was pre-pubescent when Muhammad fucked her:
Sahih Muslim book 8, number 3310:
'A'isha (Allah be pleased with her) reported that Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) married her when she was seven years old, and he was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old.
Your quote only mention that Aisha was pre-pubescent when Muhammad married her.
Where's the quote for the fucking part?
Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 65
Narrated 'Aisha:
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that 'Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death)." what you know of the Quran (by heart)'
googoomuck all the answers are in the links i have posted and pls read my full posts. ur replies all look rather stupid and u are just repeating yourself after i have already explained it to you.
Allah is the Arabic word for God. It is compounded of "Al", the definite article 'the', and "illah", meaning "god". Therefore, Allah literally means "The God" -- somewhat parallel to the capitalized "God" in English. The name Allah is used by Muslims world-wide, as well as Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews, and others. It is written in Arabic as الله
clearly you do not understand the nature of the arabic language and you do not understand arabic AT ALL. Again i urge you to fully read my whole posts and the links i posted instead of repeating urself over and over again when i have already explained the same things to u in my previous posts and in the links posted.
Originally posted by Stevenson101:Your quote only mention that Aisha was pre-pubescent when Muhammad married her.
Where's the quote for the fucking part?
Hey mister hybrid religion, you don't know the meaning of consummation?
Originally posted by thetruth26:Allah is the Arabic word for God. It is compounded of "Al", the definite article 'the', and "illah", meaning "god". Therefore, Allah literally means "The God" -- somewhat parallel to the capitalized "God" in English. The name Allah is used by Muslims world-wide, as well as Arabic-speaking Christians, Jews, and others. It is written in Arabic as الله
clearly you do not understand the nature of the arabic language and you do not understand arabic AT ALL. Again i urge you to fully read my whole posts and the links i posted instead of repeating urself over and over again when i have already explained the same things to u in my previous posts and in the links posted.
What rubbish! Christians and Jews have never called their god Allah!
What do you know about the word Abdullah?
Let 's agree that 'La Ilaha Ila Allah' means 'no other God than God Allah'.
Originally posted by googoomuck:In Arabic, god is ilah. I have to repeat so that it gets into your head.
Christians never call their Christian god by the name of Allah. Perhaps the muslim arabs do.
Don't try to convince people that muslims worship the same god.
Christians do not worship the same god as the muslims since muslims don't believe in trinity.
Allah the moon god already existed long before islam was invented. You know what the name Abdullah means, don't you?
Abdullah means the servant of Allah!
Don't try to convince people that muslims worship the same god.---Jews worship the God of Abraham...Muslims worship the God of Ibrahim..Christians worship the God of Abraham..wait..Jesus..wait..holy spirit....well super 3 in one god of Abraham/Ibrahim..who can refute this truth?
Originally posted by domonkassyu:Don't try to convince people that muslims worship the same god.---Jews worship the God of Abraham...Muslims worship the God of Ibrahim..Christians worship the God of Abraham..wait..Jesus..wait..holy spirit....well super 3 in one god of Abraham/Ibrahim..who can refute this truth?
Allah has no son.
Christian God has no daughters.
Muslims do not believe in the super 3-in-1 god.
There is one basic similarity but many differences between Christian/Jewish God and Allah.
The basic similarity is that all claim that there's only one god.
Who can refute this truth?
googoomuck didnt you notice that i did not insult anyone or attack anyone's religion?
if u dont want to read the muslim articles that i posted read a christian article .
Originally posted by thetruth26:googoomuck didnt you notice that i did not insult anyone or attack anyone's religion?
if u dont want to read the muslim articles that i posted read a christian article .
Oh really?
Now it's my turn!
You've sidetracked, idiot!