at the end of the day. its about honouring Jesus
when u lift him high
we do not want to see the church
we do not want to see domination
we do not want to see christianity
we want to see Jesus.
because he is the gospel!
Jesus is the Gospel!
Amen :)
see Jesus means mati
Originally posted by TehJarVu:see Jesus means mati
ani't that great?
Originally posted by TehJarVu:see Jesus means mati
For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. Philippians 1:21
Yes... Seeing my Savior face to face... What a great thing it would be...
But are we prepared? Have we did what are required of us to do?
We don't want to be caught off guard of His coming right? =)
Originally posted by TehJarVu:see Jesus means mati
How true: Jesus leads the way to death and damnation.
I think what the world needs now is a God
that can pour money where so many ppl
is suffering due to the downturn.
But is God zzz or doing something..
Me not so sure also...
For me, Even When Jesus appear in front of me,
I always start to wonder is God a truly fair God?
Praise God for leaving the Blessed Sacrament on Earth, that we may see Him face to face!
What's the name for Madonna's new boyfriend?
You can go see him if you want.
The Jesus has to choose a body.
He better not choose an Isrealite again.
A Singaporean? He will surely be arrested.
Any other nationality, would you believe that is Jesus?
Originally posted by mancha:The Jesus has to choose a body.
He better not choose an Isrealite again.
A Singaporean? He will surely be arrested.
Any other nationality, would you believe that is Jesus?
The Great
i am ok, as long as i dont see elvis
yeah true sometimes we can get too focused on religion and things, we lose our focus on Jesus
Originally posted by sweetcaroline:yeah true sometimes we can get too focused on religion and things, we lose our focus on Jesus
If Jesus ever existed in the first place.
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
If Jesus ever existed in the first place.
they cant accept the fact when people die they die like battery
and about the going to heaven is just to make the person feel better
Originally posted by haha879:
they cant accept the fact when people die they die like batteryand about the going to heaven is just to make the person feel better
Originally posted by haha879:
they cant accept the fact when people die they die like batteryand about the going to heaven is just to make the person feel better
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:
On the contrary I myself have seen that Jesus is alive and glorified. I've seen what become of a man that served Christ while living. I bear witness to these and to some of the things that God has done in my life. Of every thing supernatural at the disposal of the corrupt leader of Singapore I've seen equivalent greater and more. My boast is Who is like you Lord of all who sakes the foundation of this world, who sees what lies in the heart of men, who reveals secret that is Yours alone. I myself have bear witness that there is NONE like you.
You can bear witness to a toilet bowl, none like it. duh...
Originally posted by Herzog_Zwei:
You can bear witness to a toilet bowl, none like it. duh...
Originally posted by Miracles&Prophecies:
And when these people whose life is an insult to you, die, challenge them O lord Rise yourself up! Defend yourself! Rule again! They shall give no answer! In death they are imprisoned. They've become nothing. Unlike these people who lie all the time my testimony is the truth. I won't be humiliated. The mockery is empty and will not stand.
In life, man is being imprisoned by the falsehood of god. In death, comes the deliverance of freedom.
Originally posted by youyayu:The Great
Originally posted by haha879:
they cant accept the fact when people die they die like batteryand about the going to heaven is just to make the person feel better
yes true also
it is a hope
but even I have questioned it also, I have felt his presence and it leaves me in mystery,
also he teaches us to love and that's pretty much all I want to do with all y might while Im here anyway, I really love my mom and family and yes I hope
Jesus is my hope and I believe he's the best one,what better is love then a friend who would lay down his life for his friends?
Why does love exist?how?does it exist? if it does'nt then why do we feel the pain when it is empty or there is a loss?
Originally posted by Tan.john52:
I think what the world needs now is a God
that can pour money where so many ppl
is suffering due to the downturn.
But is God zzz or doing something..
Me not so sure also...
For me, Even When Jesus appear in front of me,
I always start to wonder is God a truly fair God?
Don't blame God for man mistake, or satan plot.
If God pour down money from heaven it will affect the world's economy.
Anyway because of man foolisness it have already happen.Obama's answer to this crisis is to print more money. This will therefore bring down the value of US currency in due time.
Although i will not blame Obama, he cannot do anything else but to do that.
If God is no fair, you will be struck dead even before you posted this post.
God is love yet God is just. The cross is where God's love and justice is met. Sins are punish [just] on Jesus. Man is forgiven [love]